English Modul 1: Report Text "Covid-19 and Vaccine"

Learning Objectives

  1. Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks report lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait teknologi yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di Kelas X sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
  2. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks report lisan dan tulis, terkait teknologi yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di Kelas X
  3. Menyusun teks report lisan dan tulis, terkait teknologi yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di Kelas X, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

Learning Activities

Activity 1: 

Watch this Covid-19 Video, and write the words you do not know the meaning on your note book. Then find out the meaning in dictionary. For example:

  • pneumonia : radang paru-paru
  • envelope: sampul, penutup
  • respiratory : ...


Write your answer in comment column πŸ‘‡

Reply one of your classmates' answers.

Activity 2:

Study these pictures taken from the video in Activity 1.

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Referring to those pictures, choose one of the following questions and write your answer in Comment Column below πŸ‘‡.

1. What does the series of pictures talk about?

2. Mention the parts of Coronavirus.

3. From what animals is the origin of Coronavirus?

4. How does Coronavirus come from animals to humans?

5. How does Coronavirus transmit among humans?

6. What symptoms may a person have after infected?

Reply one of your classmates' answer.

Activity 3

Read carefully the following text.

Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_Indonesia

Activity 4

Based on the text in Activity 3,  choose one of the following questions to answer in Comment Column.

1. What classifications is the text about?

2. What does point (•) 3 talk about?

3. What is a person showing symptoms of respiratory infections classified?

4. Why must a person be quarantined for 14 days?

5. Who is the person classified into probable case?

Reply one of your classmates' answers

Activity 5

Give your opinion related to how to solve the Pandemic problem we are facing together.

Write your opinion, minimum one sentence, in Comment column.

Reply opinion of one of your classmates.

Activity 6

The texts above, either in Activity 1 or Activity 3, both in Activity 1 and Activity 3, are named Report. 

Study everything about Report Texts. Pay attention to the bold and underlined words.

Pelajari ttg teks report berikut. Perhatikan kata-kata yg dicetak tebal dan digarisbawah.

Report is a type of text whose function/purpose is to describe general things the way they are. (Report adalah jenis teks yang fungsi/tujuannya untuk menggambarkan hal-hal yang umum sebagaimana adanya sesuai fakta) 

Report text is generally written in such structure as:
=> General Statement (Pernyataan Umum)
=> Description (Deskripsi objek)

Report is usually written in Present Tense. (Teks report biasanya ditulis dalam bentuk present tense), yaitu:
*Active Sentence
1) Subject + verb 1:
     - They + verb 1
     - It/he/she + verb 1+s/es
2) Subject + is/are:
     - They + are/may be/can be/must be
     - It/he/she + is/may be/can be/must be
*Passive Sentence
1) Subject + is/are + verb 3
2) Subject + may be/can be/must be + verb 3


1. What is the function or purpose of the report text?

To desceibe classification of people involved in Covid-19.

2. What is the structure?

=> General Statement:

=> Description

3. Give some examples of Present Tense used in the text.
1) subject + verb(s/es)
- A suspect ... requires treatment at the hospital
- ... the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia classifies people involved in Covid-19 into four levels.
2) Subject + is/are
- A suspect is a person ....
- A confirmed case may be symptomatic or asymptomatic.
3) subject + is/are verb 3
- ... a positive rapid or antibody test is not counted into the official number of cases.
4) subject+ may be/can be/must be + verb 3
- He or she must be quarantined for 14 days.


  1. Nama:Nova Meliani
    Kelas 10 MIPA 3
    No absen:23

    Dropplest: tetesan kecil
    Prevention: pencegahan
    Pshisical and social distancing: distribusi fisik
    Night change:biaya malam

    1. Yakin distribusi fisik?Itu kan sering dianjurkan: jaga ....

    2. Permisi Pak ..
      Seharusnya Artinya jawabanya " Menjaga Jarak fisik " dan penulisanya pshysical bukan pshisical

    3. Punten pak maaf Nova salah di penulisan kata harusnya physical and social distancing artinya menjaga jarak

    4. Tambahan
      -ingenios way:cara yang cerdik
      -throat: tenggorokan

  2. Nama : seren Widia Renaldi
    Kelas : X.MIPA.3
    No.absen : 29
    1.Widely = secara luas
    2.Machinery = Mesin
    3.Advantage = keuntungan
    4.Unwittingly = tanpa disadari
    5.Injected = disuntikan
    6.Coding = Pengkodean
    7.Recognize = mengakui
    8.Decades = dekade
    9.Unstable = tidak stabil
    10.Available = tersedia
    11.Quicker = Lebih cepat
    12.Ingenious way = cara yang cerdik
    13.Scalable = terukur
    14.Concerns = kekhawatiran
    15.Concise = Ringkas

  3. Nama : Winurdin
    Kelas : X MIPA 3
    Absen : 34

    1. Emergency : Darurat
    2. Concern : Perhatian
    3. Currently : Saat ini
    4. Envelope : Amplop
    5. Crown : Mahkota
    6. Respiratory : Pernapasan
    7. Common : Umum
    8. Mild : Ringan
    9. Range : Rentang
    10. Fatigue : Kelelahan
    11. Throat : Tenggorokan
    12. Reverse : Mundur
    13. Prevention : Pencegahan
    14. Unwell : Sakit
    15. Advice : Saran

  4. Nama: Ahmad Nizar
    Kelas: X MIPA 3
    No. Absen: 02

    1. Different: berbeda
    2. Ciroulate: berputar
    3. Respiratory: Pernafasan
    4. Spillover: kelebihan
    5. Infected: terjangkit
    6. Inoubation: keraguan
    7. Symptoms: gejala
    8. Advice : Saran
    9. Shorteness: sesak
    10. Treatmen: pengobatan
    11. Prevention : Pencegahan
    12. Unwell : Sakit
    13. investigation: penyelidikan
    14. Fingerpint: sidik jari
    15. Avoiding: menghindari
    16. Diffioulty: kesulitan
    17. Important: penting
    18. Development: pengembangan
    19. Concern: perhatian
    20. Currently: saat ini

  5. Nama: Aida Rufaidah
    Kelas: X MIPA 3
    Absen: 03

    1. Respiratory: Pernafasan
    2. Protein Spikos: Lonjakan Protein
    3. Appearance: Penampilan
    4. Origin: Asal
    5. Spillover: Kelebihan
    6. Droplets: Tetesan Kecil
    7. Symtoms: Gejala
    8. Rash: Ruam
    9. Injected: Disunitikan
    10. Disease: Penyakit
    11. Immediately: Segera
    12. Ciroulate: Berputar
    13. Infected: Terjangkit

  6. Nama: Nabila Arni
    Kelas: X MIPA 3
    No. Absen: 22

    Word that are difficult to understand from "Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)" and "Recorder-Speed Vaccine"

    1. Envelope: Selubung Virus
    2. Respiratory: Pernafasan
    3. Spillover: Peristiwa Ekonomi
    4. Symptoms: Gejala
    5. Severe Disease: Penyakit Parah
    6. Inactive: Tidak Aktif
    7. Nucleus: Inti Sel
    8. Spike Protein: Lonjakan Protein
    9. Lipid Nano Particie: Sistem Penghantar Obat Baru
    10. Genetig Material: Subtansi yang dapat membawa informasi genetik pada makhluk hidup untuk dapat keturunan

    Terima kasih mister πŸ™

  7. Nama:Ina Agniya Nadiroh
    Kelas:X Mipa 3
    No absen:15
    1.Genetic material:merupakan substansi yang dapat membawa informasi genetic pada makhluk hidup untuk dapat di turunkan pada generasi turunanya
    2.Common cold:Flu/Pilek
    3.Droplets:tetesan kecil
    9.Sore throut:Sakit tenggorokan
    12.Infected person:Orang yang terinfeksi
    13.Previous infection:Infeksi sebelum nya
    15.High blood pressure:Tekanan darah tinggi

  8. Name: Seli Karismatika
    Class: X mipa 3
    Absence: 28

    1. Touches: Sentuhan
    2. Release: Melepaskan
    3. Ultimately: Akhirnya
    4. Yourselves: Dirimu sendiri
    5. Depending: Tergantung
    6. Adventage: Keuntungan
    7. Carries: Membawa
    8. Destroys: Menghancurkan
    9. Fragment: Fragmen
    10. Neutralize: Menetralkan
    11. Infected: Terinfeksi
    12. These: Ini
    13. Already: Sudah
    14. Future: Masa depan
    15. Unstable: Tidak stabil

  9. Nama: Fatma Muthia Thazqia
    Kelas: X MIPA 3
    No absen: 12

    1. Emergency: keadaan darurat
    2. Currently: saat ini
    3. Causing: menyebabkan
    4. Common cold: flu biasa
    5. Severe disease: penyakit parah
    6. Range: jarak
    7. Spillover: kelebihan
    8. Infected: terjangkit
    9. Symptoms: gejala
    10. Fever: demam
    11. Fatigue: kelelahan
    12. Respiratory: pernapasan
    13. Cough: batuk
    14. Unwell: sakit
    15. Circulate: mengedarkan

  10. Nama: Okta Viani Kristin
    Kelas: X MIPA 3
    Absen: 25

    1. Injected : Disuntikkan
    2. Unstable : Tidak stabil
    3. Spillover : Kelebihan
    4. Causing illness: Menyebabkan penyakit
    5. Fatigue : kelelahan
    6. Advantage : Keuntungan
    7. Infected : Terjangkit
    8. Harmless : Tidak berbahaya
    9. Unwittingly : Tanpa disadari
    10. Enzymes : enzim
    11. Night change : mungkin berubah
    12. Sore muscles : Sakit otot
    13. Destroyer : Perusak
    14. Droplets : tetesan kecil
    15. Symptom : Gejala

  11. 1. Currently : saat ini
    2. Circulate : mengedarkan
    3. Spillover : kelebihan
    4. Common : umum
    5. Asymptomatic : tidak ada gejala penyakit
    6. Avoiding : menghindari
    7. Machinery : mesin-mesin
    8. Advantage : keuntungan
    9. Unwittingly : tanpa disadari
    10. Instead : sebagai gantinya
    11. Recognize : mengakui
    12. Decades : dekade
    13. Funding : pendanaan
    14. Soreness : rasa sakit
    15. Concise : ringkas
    16. Seem : nampak

  12. Nama: Dwi Indah Meylani Gunawan
    Kelas: X Mipa 3
    No absen: 09

    1.Nucleus: inti
    2. Machine: mesin
    3. Laboratory: laboratorium
    4. Vaccine: vaksin
    5. Genetig material: substitansi yang dapat membawa informasi genetik pada makhluk hidup untuk keturunannya
    6. Cytoplasm: sitoplasma
    7. Treat: mengobati
    8. Symptoms: gejala
    9. Unwell: sakit
    10. Avoid: menghindari

  13. Nama : Intan Rosiyana
    Kelas : 10 Mipa 3
    No.Absen : 16

    1. Currently : saat ini
    2. Circulate : mengedarkan
    3. Spillover : kelebihan
    4. Common : umum
    5. Asymptomatic : tidak ada gejala penyakit
    6. Avoiding : menghindari
    7. Machinery : mesin-mesin
    8. Advantage : keuntungan
    9. Unwittingly : tanpa disadari
    10. Instead : sebagai gantinya
    11. Recognize : mengakui
    12. Decades : dekade
    13. Funding : pendanaan
    14. Soreness : rasa sakit
    15. Concise : ringkas
    16. Seem : nampak

  14. Nama:leysya ferzilia herwanty
    Kelas : X MIPA 3
    Absen :18

    1.pneumonia cases=kasus pneumonia
    2.Currently=saat ini
    3.Protein spikes=lonjakan protein
    4.different types= tipe yang berbeda
    5.respiratory= pernafasan
    8.envelope= amplop
    9.covering= penutup
    10.avoiding= menghindari

  15. Nama: Fitria Listiani
    Kelas: X MIPA 3
    No absen: 13

    1. Respiratory: pernapasan
    2. Concern: perhatian
    3. Envelope: amplop
    4. Injected: disuntikan
    5. Machinery: mesin
    6. Fragment: pecahan
    7. Recognize: mengakui
    8. Neutralize: menetralkan
    9. Unstable: tidak stabil
    10. Refrigerated: didinginkan
    11. Ingenious way: cara yang cerdik
    12. Concise: ringkas
    13. Educational: pendidikan
    14. Inactive: tidak aktif
    15. Immune system: sistem kekebalan

  16. Nama : Siti Melis Samrotul Fuadah
    Kelas : X MIPA 3
    No. Absen : 31
    1. Injected : disuntikkan
    2. Weakened : melemahkan
    3. Machinery : Mesin
    4. Advantage : keuntungan
    5. Create : menciptakan
    6. Coding : kode
    7. Inactive : tidak aktif
    8. Carries : membawa
    9. Fragment : kepingan / potongan
    10. Causing : menyebabkan
    11. Disease : penyakit
    12. Respiratory : pernapasan
    13. Prepare : mempersiapkan
    14. neutralize : menetralkan
    15. Kill : membunuh
    16. Infected : Terjangkit / terinfeksi
    17. Immune system : sistem kekebalan
    18. Seem : nampak / kelihatan
    19. Infection : Infeksi

    1. Maaf pak itu yang nomor 19 itu salah, saya baru inget kalo infected sama infection itu memiliki arti yang samaπŸ™

  17. Nama: Yesika
    Kelas: X MIPA 3
    Absen: 35

    1. Respiratory: pernapasan
    2. Ribosom: organel ukuran kecil
    3. weakened: melemah
    4. SLN: sistem penghantaran obat baru
    5. B cells: limfosit
    6. Scalable: terukur
    7. Unstable: tidak stabil
    8. Concise: ringkas
    9. Toushes: sentuhan
    10. Release: melepaskan

  18. Nama:Clarissa Amorita Perdana
    Kelas :X Mipa 3
    No absen:06
    1.Widely=Secara Luas
    3.Currently=Tanpa di sadari
    4.Nucleus=Inti sel
    5.Unwittingly=Tanpa disadari

    1. Maaf pak, salah tulis seharusnya currently artinya saat ini

  19. Nama : fahturomi Anjar
    Kelas : X MIPA 3
    no absen: 11
    1. Concise : ringkas
    2. Widely : secara luas
    3.unwittingly : tanpa disadari
    4.advice : saran
    5. Mild : ringan
    6. Throat : tenggorokan
    7. Injected : disuntikan
    8. Touches : sentuhan
    9. Respiratory : pernapasan
    10. Droplet : tetesan kecil

  20. Nama : Dinda Bunga Avrilliatama
    No. Absen : 08
    Kls : 10 MIPA 3

    Injected : disuntikkan
    Weakened : melemah
    Genetic material : materi genetic
    Machinary : mesin
    Coding : pengkodean
    Advantage : keuntungan
    Degraded : terdegradasi
    Increased : meningkat
    Resources : sumberdaya
    Soreness : rasa sakit

  21. Nama: Lita mouza lestari
    Kelas: XMIPA 3
    Absen: 19

    1. Emergency= keadaan darurat
    2. Pneumon= radang paru-paru
    3. Different= berbeda
    4. Exposure=paparan
    5. Fatigue=kelelahan
    6. Sk rash=ruam kulit
    7. Envelope= amplop
    8. Treat=mengobati
    9. Fever=demam
    10. Avoid=menghindari
    11. Droplets=tetesan
    12. Cough= Batuk
    13. Infected= terjangkit

    1. Assalamu'alaikum bapak punten yg ini salah

  22. Nama: Sindy Aulia
    Kelas: x MIPA 3
    No absen: 30
    1. Researchers=peneliti
    2. Cytoplasma =sitoplasma
    3. Corcened =prihatin
    4. Neddle= jarum
    5. B cells= sel b
    6. Weakened=melemah
    7. Ribosomes= Ribosom
    8. Advantage=keuntungan
    9. Unwittingly= tanpa disadari
    10.unwell= sakit
    11. Unstable= tidak stabil
    13. Mild=Ringan
    14. illes = penyakit
    15. Infected= terjangkit

  23. Nama: Lita mouza lestari
    Kelas: XMIPA 3
    Absen: 19

    1. Emergency= keadaan darurat
    2. Pneumonia= radang paru-paru
    3. Different= berbeda
    4. Exposure=paparan
    5. Fatigue=kelelahan
    6. Skin rash=ruam kulit
    7. Envelope= amplop
    8. Treat=mengobati
    9. Fever=demam
    10. Avoid=menghindari
    11. Droplets=tetesan
    12. Cough= Batuk
    13. Infected= terjangkit

  24. Nama:Muhammad Nalendra
    Kelas:X MIPA 3
    No absen:21

    1.Concise: ringkas
    2.Release: melepaskan
    3.Touches: sentuhan
    5.Unstable: tidak stabil
    6.Ribosom: organel ukuran kecil
    7.B Cells: limfosit
    8.SLN: sistem penghantaran obat
    9.Scalable: terukur
    10.Weakened: melemah

  25. Nama:Vergie Ardika Septiani
    Kelas:X Mipa 3

    1.Seem: nampak/kelihatan
    2.Infection: infeksi
    3.Release: melepaskan
    4.Concise: ringkas
    5.Touches: sentuhan
    8.Severe disease:penyakit berat
    9.Skin rash:ruam kulit
    10.Common cold:flu biasa
    loss of taste or 12.smell:kehilangan rasa atau bau
    13.Ribosom: organel ukuran kecil
    14.Cell cytoplasm: non-nukleus

  26. Nama: SUGIRI
    Kelas: X MIPA 3
    Absen: 32

    1.Concise: ringkas
    2.Touches: sentuhan
    3.Infection: infeksi
    4.B cells: limfosit
    5.Release: melepaskan
    6.Seem: nampak/kelihatan
    7.Ribosom: organel ukuran kecil
    8.Respiratory: pernapasan
    9.Weakened: melemah
    Scalable: terukur


  27. Nama : Gina
    kelas : X MIPA 3
    Absen : 14

    1. Respiratory : pernafasan
    2. Cell cytoplasm : Non. Nekleus
    3. Concise : ringkas
    4. Touches : sentuhan
    5. Weakened : melemah
    6. B cells : limfosit
    7. Inactive : tidak aktif
    8. Release : melepaskan
    9. Seem: nampak/kelihatan
    10. Nucleus : inti
    11. Symptoms: gejala
    12. Rash: Ruam

  28. Nama : Dwi yanti
    Kelas : X mipa 3
    No.absen : 10

    1. Inactive : tidak aktif
    2. Weakened : melemah
    3. Nucleus : inti
    4. Small part : bagian kecil
    5. Encapsulated : dikemas
    6. Particle : partikel
    7. Immune : imun
    8. Disease : penyakit
    9. Emergency : darurat
    10. Respiratory : pernapasan

  29. Nama:Agies Melinda
    Kelas:X Mipa 3

    1.Small part=Bagian kecil
    4.Respiratory =Pernapasan
    6.Some people=Beberapa orang
    7.Skin rash=Ruam kulit
    8.Older people=Orang tua
    14.Droplet= tetesan kecil

  30. Name : Luthfiyyah Rahmah
    Class : X MIPA 3
    No. Absen : 20
    1. Depending : tergantung
    2. Advantage: keuntungan
    3. Unwittingly : tanpa di sadari
    4. Probably : mungkin
    5. Fragment : pecahan
    6. Recognize : mengakui
    7. Certainly : pasti
    8. Increased : meningkat
    9. Development : pengembangan
    10. Pain : rasa sakit
    11. Exactly : persis
    12. Membrane : selaput
    13. Suddenly : tiba - tiba
    14. Ultimately : akhirnya
    15. Widely : secara luas
    16. Speed : kecepatan
    17. Spike : paku
    18. Respiratory : pernapasan

  31. 1. Unwittingly: Tanpa disadari
    2. Concise: ringkas
    3. Emergency: keadaan
    4. Symptoms: gejala
    5. fatigue: kelelahan
    6. rash: ruam
    7. touches: sentuhan

    nama: laeela waryono
    kelas: xmipa3
    absen: 17

  32. nama:palagan abiyyu gumelar

    1. Depending : tergantung
    2.Respiratory : pernapasan
    3. Symptoms: gejala
    4. Increased : meningkat
    5. Widely : secara luas
    6.Exactly : persis
    7.Certainly : pasti
    8.Small part : bagian kecil
    9.Skin rash:ruam kulit
    11.Pneumonia= radang paru-paru

  33. Nama: Zakiyah Ummu kulsum Fatimah
    Kelas: X MIPA 4
    no absen: 35

    - Different types = Beda jenis
    - Due to a range of factor = disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor
    - Droplets = tetsan
    - seafood = makanan laut
    - live animal market = pasar hewan hidup
    - public health = Kesehatan masyarakat
    - transmission = penularan
    - symptoms = gejala
    - fatigue = kelelahan
    - recover = memulihkan
    - chronic respiratory disease = penyakit pernafasan kronis
    - Generic material = Material genetik
    - Asymptomatc = asimtomatik

  34. Nama:Nurseha satria tri p
    Kelas: x mipa 3
    No absen:24

    1.symptoms= gejala
    2.Development= pengembangan
    3.fever= Demam
    4.Particle= Partikel
    5.Respiratory= Pernafasan
    6.Exposure= Paparan
    7.Infected= Terjangkit
    8.Injected= Disuntikan
    9.Scalable= Terukur
    10.Unstable= Tidak stabil
    11.Machinery= Mesin
    12.Obesity= Obesitas

  35. Answer :

    Name : Seren Widia Renaldi
    Class : X MIPA 3
    Absent : 29

    1.) This image tells of a switch that can cause a human-to-human viral agent by being touched by many people

    2.)someone who is infected with the corona virus then touches the switch, which will then be touched by another person. which if touched they will be exposed to the corona virus

    3.) Bats

    4.)direct contact with animals infected with the corona virus, and eating extreme food such as bat meat

    5.) it can be touching objects that have been touched by an infected person, from the air, and also from infected animals

    6.) The most common symptoms:
    dry cough

    1. Answer no. 5
      The contagion of the corona virus can be transmitted by droplet when a person coughs, sneezes, sings, talks, breathes. When doing such things, air released from the nose and mouth eject small particles or aerosols at close range. The corona virus can also spread through contaminated surfaces. The transmission of the corona virus occurs when a person touches a surface that may have been contaminated by the virus of someone who coughs or sneezes. Then the virus passes to the nose, mouth, or eyes that are touched after touching the contaminated surface.

  36. Nama : Dinda Bunga Avrilliatama
    No. Absen : 08
    Kelas : 10 MIPA 3

    6.) Fever, fatigue, repiratory symptoms, loss of taste or smell, skin rash.

  37. Nama : Nauval akhiru romadhoni
    Kelas : 10 MIPA 2
    Absen : 21
    1.Development = pengembangan
    2.Fever = Demam
    3.Exposure = Paparan
    4.Unstable = Tidak stabil
    5.Pneumonia = radang paru-paru
    6.Membrane = selaput
    7.Certainly = pasti
    8.Speed = kecepatan
    9.Recognize = mengakui
    10.Treatment = Pengobatan
    11.Disease = Penyakit
    12.Small part = Bagian kecil
    13.Immune = imun
    14.Common cold = flu biasa
    15.Seem = nampak/kelihatan

  38. Name: Seli Karismatika
    Class: X mipa 3
    Absent: 28

    Answer no.2
    Envelope, Genetic material, Protein spikes.

    Class: X MIPA 2
    Number: 07

    Answer number 6
    6). Examples of symptoms:
    - fever
    - fatigue
    - respiratory symptoms
    - loss of taste or smell (some people)
    - skin rash (some people)

  40. Nama: Ahmad Nizar
    Kelas: X MIPA 3
    No. Absen: 02

    Answer number 6

    Examples of symptoms:
    - Fever
    - Fatigue
    - Respiratory symptoms
    - Loss of taste or smell (some people)
    - Skin rash (some people)

    1. Name: Salwa Nayla Putri Alamsyah
      Class: X MIPA 2
      Number: 28

      Answer number 6
      Symptoms that arise after being infected are
      - fever
      - fatigue
      - respiratory symptoms
      - cough
      - sore throat
      - shortness of breath
      - loss of taste or smell and
      - skin rash

    Class:X MIPA 2

    Answer no.
    6.Fever,fatigue, repiratory symptoms, loss of taste or smell (some people),skin rash (some people).

  42. Nama: Yesika
    Kelas: X MIPA 3
    No.absen: 35

    Answer number 3
    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), all available evidence shows that the corona virus originates from an ecological container in bats

  43. Nama : Lia juvita
    Kelas : X MIPA 2
    No. Absen : 16
    Hari. : Senin, 25 januari 2021

    I want to answer question number 6, the symptoms that may occur when infected are:
    -respiratory symtomps
    -lost of taste or smell
    -skin rash

  44. Name : AINI INDAH SUCI
    Class : X MIPA 2
    Number : 02

    Answer Number 5 :

    The disease can spread from person to person through droplets when infected person releases those droplets trough coughing, talking, or sneezing when close to another person. It can also spread when infected droplets land on object and when another person touches them and then touches their eyes, nose, and mouth.

  45. Name:Banika Van Santari
    Class: 10 MIPA 2
    Absent: 06
    Answer number 5:it can be touching objects that have been touched by an infected person, from the air, and also from infected animals

  46. Name: Dinda Febriani
    Class: 10 MIPA 2
    Absent: 10

    Answer number 6
    1. Fever
    2. Fatigue
    3. Respirstory symptoms
    - cough
    - sore throat
    - shortness breath
    4. Lost of taste or Snell
    5. Skin rash

  47. Name: Salwa Nayla Putri Alamsyah
    Class: X MIPA 2
    Number: 28

    Answer number 6
    Symptoms that arise after being infected are
    - fever
    - fatigue
    - respiratory symptoms
    - cough
    - sore throat
    - shortness of breath
    - loss of taste or smell and
    - skin rash

  48. Nama: Fatma Muthia Thazqia
    No absen: 12
    Kelas: X MIPA 3

    6.What symptoms may a person have after infected?

    - Fever
    - Fatigue
    - Respiratory symptoms ( cough,sore throat,shortness of breath )
    - Loss of taste or smell
    - Skin rash
    - Severe cases ( pneumonia,organ failure,death )

  49. Nama: Fitria Listiani
    Kelas: X MIPA 3
    No. Absen: 13

    Answer number 6:
    - Fever
    - Fatigue
    - Respiratory Symptoms
    - Loss of taste or Smell (some people)
    - Skin rash (some people)

  50. Nama:Vergie Ardika Septiani
    Kelas:X mipa 3

    Answer number 6

    - Fever
    - Fatigue
    - Respiratory symptoms
    - Loss of taste or smell (some people)
    - Skin rash (some people

  51. Name: Vanessa Virginia Adeline
    Class: 10 MIPA 2
    attendee's number: 34

    Answer number 6:
    -respirator symtomps
    -sore throat
    -shortness breath
    -lost of taste or Snell
    -skin rash

  52. Name: Vanessa Virginia Adeline
    Class: 10 MIPA 2
    attendee's number: 34

    Answer number 6:
    -respirator symtomps
    -sore throat
    -shortness breath
    -lost of taste or Snell
    -skin rash

  53. Name:arie dwi yanuar
    Class:10 mipa 2
    Attendee's number:03
    6.) Fever, fatigue, repiratory symptoms, loss of taste or smell, skin rash.

  54. Name : Putri Najla Salsabila
    Class : X mipa 2
    No.ab : 25

    i answer the question of number two in activity 2 , sir.

    2.) coronavirus is are large group of viruses, they consists of a core of genetic material surrounded by a lipid envelope with protein spikes. This gives it the appearance of a crown, crown in latin is called corona and that's how these viruses get their name

  55. Name: Djenar Maesa Ayu
    Class : 10 mipa 2
    No. Absen. 11

    Fever ≥380 C
    Fatigue or weakness
    Cough without phlegm
    No appetite
    Loss of ability to taste or smell (anosmia)

  56. Name:Komala sari
    Class:X mipa 2
    attendee's number :15

    Answer number 5:

    "The virus that cause COVID-19 spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. You can also become infected by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth before washing your hands"

  57. Name: Rachma Fatihat Thoriq
    Class: X MIPA 2
    Number: 26

    2. Mention the parts of Coronavirus.

    A person who is infected with the Corona virus then touches the switch, which will then be touched by other people or crowds, which if touched will have a bad effect and will be exposed to the corona virus

    Note : picture 3

  58. Name : Siti Melis Samrotul Fuadah
    Class : X MIPA 3
    Absent: 31

    Answer no. 5
    The contagion of the corona virus can be transmitted by droplet when a person coughs, sneezes, sings, talks, breathes. When doing such things, air released from the nose and mouth eject small particles or aerosols at close range. The corona virus can also spread through contaminated surfaces. The transmission of the corona virus occurs when a person touches a surface that may have been contaminated by the virus of someone who coughs or sneezes. Then the virus passes to the nose, mouth, or eyes that are touched after touching the contaminated surface.

  59. Nama : Nauval akhiru romadhoni
    Kelas : 10 MIPA 2
    Absen : 21
    5.) it can be touching objects that have been touched by an infected person, from the air, and also from infected animals

  60. Name:Neta Adelia Ramadhani
    Class:X Mipa 2

    Answer number 6:

    - Fever
    - Fatigue
    - Respiratory symptoms
    - Loss of taste or smell (some people)
    - shortness breath
    -lost of taste or Snell
    -skin rash

  61. Nama : Dwi Indah Meylani Gunawan
    Kelas : X MIPA 3
    No absen: 09

    Answer the number 3

    Health organizations show that the corona virus comes from a dangerous bat.

  62. Nama : fahturomi Anjar
    Class: 10 MIPA 3
    No absen: 11

    Answer number 3

    3).WHO is called the 2019-novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Most 2019-nCoV sufferers are infected after visiting the Huanan Seafood Market which also sells other animals such as poultry, snakes, bats and other livestock.

  63. Nama:Ina Agniya Nadiroh
    Kelas:X Mipa 3
    No absen:15
    Answer number 6
    •Respiratory symptomps
    -sore throut
    -shortness of breath
    •Loss of taste or smell(some people)
    •Skin rash(some people)

  64. Nama: Okta Viani Kristin
    Kelas: X MIPA 3
    Absen: 25

    Answer no 5:
    Corona virus transmission can also occur if people inhale droplets that come out of a cough or breath (sneeze) from someone who has the Corona virus. Therefore, it is important for us to maintain a distance of more than 1 meter from people who are sick. transmission can also occur through items that have been contaminated by the virus.

  65. Nama: Aida Rufaidah
    Kelas: X MIPA 3
    Absen: 03

    Answer number 5:
    The transmission of the corona virus between humans and other humans can occur when someone can be measured by someone who has been exposed (even though they may not know it), they talk to each other at a fairly close distance, it can also be through the air, objects that have been touched by people who have been exposed to it. exposure, and after coming into contact with other people forget to wash their hands.

  66. Nama : Dwi yanti
    Class : X MIPA 3
    No.absen : 10

    Answer number 6

    6.) the symptoms experienced by someone who is infected
    • Fever ≥380 C
    • Fatigue or weakness
    • Cough without phlegm
    • Aches
    • No appetite
    Loss of ability to taste or smell

  67. Name : Luthfi Haidar zafran
    Class: 10 MIPA 2
    No. : 18

    Answer number 5. How does Coronavirus transmit among humans?

    The spread of the corona virus is from one human being through droplets of fluid that come from the respiratory tract and mouth, such as droplets that come out when coughing or sneezing, which we refer to as droplets.

  68. Nama:Muhammad Nalendra
    Kelas:X MIPA 3

    Answer number 3

    3.According to the World Health Organization (WHO), all available evidence shows that the corona virus originates from an ecological container in bats.

  69. Nama : Syafa tasya kamilah
    Kelas : X MIPA 2
    Absen : 31

    Answer number 5 :

    -The corona virus can be transmitted through droplets or water droplets containing the virus from coughing and sneezing, but now the corona virus can transmit through other means, namely through the air, the virus can survive in the air hovering for 8 hours after exiting the patient's body when sneezing or coughing, then from Therefore, we must keep our distance from people and follow health protocols.

  70. Name:Agies Melinda
    Class:X Mipa 3

    Answer number 3:
    The corona virus which is caused by the bat virus is actually a virus that can also spread which is also called the corona virus reservoir, but there are also those who argue that it starts with a bat that flies and drops its feces on the ground. Then this droppings are picked up by wild animals, possibly pangolins, which are looking for insects behind the leaves. The pangolins are then caught by humans who are then exposed to the virus, and pass them on to workers in the wild animal market. Then there was an epidemic which was now globalized

  71. Name: Dama Yanti
    Class: X MIPA 2
    Absent: 08

    Answer number 5:
    Corona virus transmission can occur if people inhale droplets that come out of coughs or breath (sneeze) from people who have the Corona virus. Therefore, it is important for us to keep a distance of more than 1 meter from people who are sick.

  72. Nama : Clarissa Amorita Perdana
    Kelas : X Mipa 3
    Absen : 06

    6.What symptoms may a person have after infected?

    -Respiratory symptoms
    -Sore throat
    -shortness breath
    -Loss of taste or smell
    -Skin rash

  73. Nama : Sindy Aulia
    Class : X mipa 3
    No absen : 30
    Answer number 5
    The corona virus can spread through small droplets from the nose or mouth when someone who is infected with this virus sneezes or coughs

  74. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  75. Name: Luthfiyyah Rahmah
    Class : X Mipa 3
    Absent : 20

    Answer number 5
    The way corona virus spreads from one person to another, namely through breathing, droplet, sneezing and coughing, shaking hands, hugging, or other physical contact so that we don't get this virus we can prevent it by diligently washing hands, keeping distance, wearing masks, not making contact physical with other people (shaking hands or hugging), avoiding crowds, using handsanitizers and maintaining a clean body, environment, take vitamins,eat nutrition food, exercise diligently and also get enough sleep

  76. Name:Balghis Ameliafitri
    Class:10 MIPA 2
    Attendee's number:05

    Answer number 5
    How does Coronavirus transmit among humans?

    Coronavirus can be transmitted from human to human the mode of transmission ia through fluids release by the respiratory system(droplets) or Saliva that lomes out when coughing sneezing,even talking

    Class : X MIPA 2
    Number: 04

    Answer number 5 :

    The mode of transmission is through fluids released by the respiratory system (droplets) or saliva that comes out when coughing, sneezing, even talking. or, It can be a collection of objects that an infected person has touched, from the air.


  78. Nama: Gina
    Kelas : 10 mipa 3

    Answer no: 6
    - Conjunctivitis
    -Loss of taste ability
    Loss of ability to smell (anosmia)
    - dry cough

  79. Nama: SUGIRI
    Kls : X MIPA 3
    Absen: 32

    Number 3
    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), all available evidence shows that the corona virus originates from an ecological container in bats

  80. Name: Nabila Itsna Nurkholifah
    Absent: 20
    Class: X Mipa 2

    answer number 5

    transmission of the virus can occur in health care settings where specific medical procedures, called aerosol generating procedures, generate very small droplets called aerosols. Some outbreak reports related to indoor crowded spaces have suggested the possibility of aerosol transmission, combined with droplet transmission, for example, during choir practice, in restaurants or in fitness classes.

  81. Name: Pitriyah Ayu Ningsih
    Class : 10 Mipa 2
    Absent: 24

    I will answer questions number 6
    What symptoms may a person have after infected?

    -fever or chills
    -shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    -muscle or body aches
    -new loss tests or smell
    -sore throat
    -congestion or runny nose
    -nausea or vomiting

  82. Nama : Winurdin
    Kelas : x mipa 3
    Absen : 34

    Answer number 2 :
    Envelope, Genetic material, Protein spikes.

  83. Name: Delfia Deva Pertiwi
    Class: 10 MIPA 2
    Absent: 09

    I will answer questions number 6
    What symptoms may a person have after infected?

    1. Sore or uncomfortable throat
    Dry cough (without accompanied by phlegm)
    2. Fever
    3. Feel the heat
    Body and joints ache
    4. Difficulty breathing due to tightness (in severe cases)
    5. Diarrhea, runny nose, nausea and loss of taste (tongue) are found in a small proportion of sufferers.

  84. Nama: Nabila Arni Natasya Putri
    Kelas: X MIPA 3
    No. Absen: 21

    Answer number 1

    Talking about the Corona virus, large grup of viruses, respirstory, SARS-COV China-2003, MERS-COV Saudia Arabia-2012, SARS-COV2 China-2019

  85. Nama : Fatma Aulia Zahra
    Kelas : 10 MIPA 2
    Absen : 13

    Answer number 5
    - Through droplets or saliva that comes out when coughing and sneezing without covering the mouth, even speaking.
    - Through a touch or handshake of an infected person.
    - Touching a surface or object with the virus, then calling your nose, eyes or mouth, without washing your hands first.

  86. Nama:Intan Rosiyana
    Kelas:10 mipa 3
    I'll answer the question on number 6

    The symptoms that may arise after infection are:
    4.sore throat
    5.shortness of breath
    6.loss of taste or smell
    7.skin rash

  87. Nama:Leysya ferzilia herwanty
    Kelas:X MIPA 3
    Answer number 2
    Evenlope,Genetic material, Protein spikes

  88. Name : Hilda Nadira
    Class : X MIPA 2
    Absence Number : 18

    In accordance with the task that given from Mr. Ahmad Jawahir, we must choose one of those questions to be answered. So, i'll choose question number 4 "How does Coronavirus come from animals to humans?" to be answered.

    The Answer :
    The jump of these viruses from animals to human called a spillover, and could be due to a range of factors such us the mutations in the virus or increased contact between human to animals. For example Mers-Cov is known to be transmitted from Camels and Sars-Cov from Civet Cats.

    ——— ——— ——— ———
    That's all my answer i am sorry if there's so many mistakes or typo, and sorry too cause answering it not on time Sir πŸ™.

  89. No one wants to try to answer no 1?

  90. Name:Nicholas Ariabima Algifari
    Class:10 MIPA 2

    Answer number 3

    According to a new study conducted by the University of Hong Kong, the new Coronavirus that triggers the COVID-19 pandemic likely originated from bats found in Asia.

  91. Name:Dicky pujiana
    Class:x mipa 5

    Answer number 6
    -Fever. -Hard to breathe. -Cough. -Fatigue. -Headache. -Sore throat. -Nausea and vomiting. -Diarrhea.

  92. Name: Alya Salsabila
    Class: X MIPA 5

    Question Number 5
    5. How does Coronavirus transmit among humans?

    COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which spreads between people, mainly when an infected person is in close contact with another person.
    The virus can spread from an infected person's mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe heavily.You can also become infected by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth before washing your hands.

  93. Name: Siti Liana Yahsa
    Class: X MIPA 5
    Absent: 27

    Activity 1:
    1. Respiratory : pernapasan
    2. Ribosom : organel ukuran kecil
    3. Weakened : melemah
    4. SLN : sistem penghantaran obat baru
    5. B cells : limfosit
    6. Scalable : terukur
    7. Unstable : tidak stabil
    8. Concise : ringkas
    9. Toushes : sentuhan
    10. Release : melepaskan

  94. Name: Alya Salsabila
    Class: X MIPA 5

    Respiratory: pernapasan
    Ribosom: organel ukuran kecil
    Ingenious way: cara yang cerdik
    Concise: ringkas


  95. Nama: Wida Vonny Tiana
    Kelas : X MIPA 5
    Absen: 35

    Activity 1

    1).Infection: infeksi
    2).Touches: sentuhan
    3).Concise: ringkas
    4).Release: melepaskan
    5).Seem: nampak/kelihatan
    6).B cells: limfosit
    7).Ribosom: organel ukuran kecil
    8).Respiratory: pernapasan
    9).Weakened: melemah
    10).Unstable: tidak stabil
    11).Recognize: mengakui
    12).Injected: disuntikan
    13).Concerns: kekhawatiran
    14).Quicker: lebih cepat
    15).Scalable: terukur

    Class: X MIPA 5
    Absent: 24

    Activity 1

    1. Respiratory = Pernapasan
    2. Ribosom = Organel ukuran kecil
    3. Weakened = melemah
    4. SLN = sistem penghantaran obat baru
    5. B cells = limfosit
    6. Scalable = terukur
    7. Shorteness = sesak
    8. Prevention = Pencegahan
    9. Symtoms = Gejala
    10. Unstable = tidak stabil
    11. Concise = ringkas
    12. Toushes = sentuhan
    13. Release = melepaskan

  97. Name : sri intan indrati
    Class : X mipa5
    Absent : 28

    1. Respiratory : pernafasan
    2.SLN : sistem penghantaran obat baru
    3. Concise : ringkas
    4. Touches : sentuhan
    5. Weakened : melemah
    6. B cells : limfosit
    7. Inactive : tidak aktif
    8. Release : melepaskan
    9. Seem: nampak/kelihatan
    10. Nucleus : inti
    11. Symptoms: gejala
    12. Rash: Ruam

    4. Vaccines=Vaksin
    5.covering =Menutup
    6.Available= tersedia
    10. Circulate=pengedaran
    19. Causing=menyebabkan

  99. Nama:Anggi oktami saputri
    Kelas:x mipa 5
    1.Generic material=materi genetik
    2.Protein spikes=lonjakan protein
    4.Common cold=flu biasa
    5.Severe disease=penyalit parah
    15.Currently=saat ini

  100. Nama:Anggi oktami saputri
    Kelas:x mipa 5
    1.Generic material=materi genetik
    2.Protein spikes=lonjakan protein
    4.Common cold=flu biasa
    5.Severe disease=penyalit parah
    15.Currently=saat ini

  101. Nama:Olivia Zahra
    X Mipa 5. Absen 22
    1.Spillover = Kelebihan
    2.Fastors = Pengencang
    3.Infected = Terjangkau
    4..Appearance = Penampilan
    5.Lipid Nano Particie = Sistem Penghantar Obat Baru
    6.Inactive = Tidak Aktif
    7.Ciroulate = Berputar
    8.Organ Failure = Kegagalan Organ
    9.Skin Rash = Ruam kulit.
    10.Concise = Ringkas.
    11.Circulate =Mengedarkan
    12.Incubation = inkubasi
    13.Deveploment = Pengembangan
    14. Common Cold = Flu Biasa
    15.Symptoms = Gejala


    Concise: ringkas
    Infection: infeksi
    Release: melepaskan
    Seem: nampak/kelihatan
    Touches: sentuhan
    Concise: ringkas
    B cells: limfosit
    Touches: sentuhan
    Respitatory : pernapasan
    Weakened : melemah

  103. Nama Rifal efendi
    Kelas mipa 5
    Absen 25

    1. Genetik material: genetik material
    2. Sorethrout: sakit tenggorokan
    2. Envelope:amplop
    3. Protein spikes:lonjakan protein
    4. Respiratory:pernapasan
    5. Common cold: pilek biasa
    6. Severe disease:penyakit parah
    7. Spilover: spilover
    8. Dropletts: droplet
    9. Fever:demam
    10. Fatigue:kelelahan
    11. Cough:batuk

  104. Name:JIHAN PUTRI
    CLASS : X MIPA 5
    NO. ABSEN : 16

    1.Respiratory : pernapasan
    2.concern: perhatian
    3.Genetic Material :Materi genetik
    4. Vaccines:Vaksin
    5. Common cold : Flu biasa
    6.Range : jarak
    7.unwell : sakit
    8.Obesity : kegemukan
    9.Dropleks : Tetesan
    10.Amplop : Penutup
    11.Infected : terjangkit
    12.death : kematian
    13.Investigation :pemeriksaan
    14.Exposure :Paparan
    15.Symptoms : gejala
    16.Pneumonia:Radang Paru paru
    17.advice : Nasehat
    18.types : jenis
    19. Causing : menyebabkan

    CLASS : X MIPA 5
    NO. ABSEN : 02

    Concise: ringkas
    Infection: infeksi
    Release: melepaskan
    Seem: nampak/kelihatan
    Touches: sentuhan
    Shorteness = sesak
    Prevention = pencegahan
    Symtoms = gejala
    Respitatory : pernapasan
    Weakened : melemah

  106. Name : Fani Agustin
    Class : X Mipa 5
    No. Absen : 11

    1. Emergency: Keadaan darurat
    2. Concern : Perhatian
    3. Respiratory : Pernafasan
    4. Common cold : flu biasa
    5. Severe disease : Penyakit parah
    6. Spillover : Kelebihan
    7. Droplets : tetesan
    8. Symptoms : Gejala
    9. Exposure : Paparan
    10. Mild : ringan
    11. Skin rash : ruam kulit
    12. Reverse : balik
    13. Cough : batuk
    14. Diffioulty breathing : kesulitan bernafas
    15. Blood test : tes darah
    16. Severe cases : kasus yang parah
    17. Droplets : tetesan
    18. Protein spikes : lonjakan protein


  107. Name : Awaliyahtul Mar'ah
    Class : X Mipa 5
    Absen : 05

    Concise : Ringkas
    Seem : nampak/kelihatan
    Touches : sentuhan
    Symtoms : gejala
    Weakened : Melemah
    Respiratory : Pernapasan
    B cells : limofit
    Infection : infeksi

  108. Name: Shakila AR
    Class: X mipa 5
    Absence: 26

    1).Respiratory: pernafasan
    2).Protein spikes: lonjakan protein
    3). Common cold : flu biasa
    4). Severe disease: penyakit parah
    5). Spillover: kelebihan
    6). Droplets: tetesan kecil
    7). Infected person: orang yang terinfeksi
    8). Symptoms: gejala
    9). Fatigue: kelelahan
    10). Origin: asal
    11). Concern: perhatian
    12). Inoubation period: periode keraguan
    13). Shortness of breath : sesak napas

  109. Name:Suci Anita
    Class:X Mipa 5

    1. Respiratory:pernapasan
    2. Genetic material:materi genetik
    3. Spillover:limpahan
    4. Protein spikes:lonjakan protein
    5. Loss of taste or smell:hilangnya rasa atau bau
    6. Droplets:tetesan
    7. Infected person:orang yg terinfeksi
    8. Fatigue:kelelahan
    9. Fever:demam
    10. Skin rash:ruam kulit
    11. Severe cases:kasus yg parah
    12. Organ failure:kegagalan organ
    13. Cough:batuk
    14. High blood pressure:tekanan darah tinggi
    15. Heart disease:penyakit jantung

  110. Name: Djea Ananda. H
    Class: X MIPA5
    Absent :10

    1.Pneumonia cases : Kasus pneumonia

    2.large group of viruses : Kelompok besar virus

    3.Genetic materials : Materi genetik

    4.Protein spikes : Lonjakan protein

    5.Droplets : Tetesan kecil

    6.Incubation period : Masa inkubasi

    7.Respiratory : Pernafasan

    8.Common cold : flu biasa

    9.Severse disease : Penyakit pernafasan parah

    10.Genetic fingerprint : Sidik jari genetik

    11.Blood test : Tes darah

    Class: X MIPA 5
    No. Absen: 20

    1. Respiratory: pernafasan
    2. Spillover: kelebihan
    3. Droplets: tetesan kecil
    4. Cough: batuk
    5. Concise: ringkas
    6. Infection: infeksi
    7. Weakened : Melemah
    8. Fatigue: kelelahan
    9. Shortness of breath : sesak napas
    10. High blood pressure: tekanan darah tinggi


    1. Respiratory:pernapasan
    2. Fever:demam
    3. Shortness of breath : sesak napas
    4. Cough : batuk
    5. Blood test : tes darah
    6. Symptoms : Gejala
    7. Common cold : Flu biasa
    8. Infection: infeksi
    9. Fatigue=kelelahan
    10. Vaccines=Vaksin

  113. Name: ivana rubby abigael
    Class: X MIPA 5


    1. Researchers=peneliti
    2. Cytoplasma =sitoplasma
    3. Corcened =prihatin
    4. Neddle= jarum
    5. B cells= sel b
    6. Weakened=melemah
    7. Ribosomes= Ribosom
    8. Advantage=keuntungan
    9. Unwittingly= tanpa disadari
    10.unwell= sakit
    11. Unstable= tidak stabil
    13. Mild=Ringan
    14. illes = penyakit
    15. Infected= terjangkit

  114. Name: Nadila Khoirinisa
    Class: X mipa 5
    Absen: 19

    1.Advantage : Keuntungan
    2.Infected : Terjangkit
    3.Harmless : Tidak berbahaya
    4.Unwittingly : Tanpa disadari
    5.Respiratory: pernafasan
    6.Protein spikes: lonjakan protein
    7.Common cold : flu biasa
    8.Severe disease: penyakit parah
    9.Spillover: kelebihan
    10 Droplets: tetesan kecil
    11.Symptoms: gejala
    12.Fatigue: kelelahan
    13.Concern: perhatian
    14.Inoubation : keraguan
    15.Skin rash : ruam kulit

  115. Name : Maurha Violyta Utami
    Class : X MIPA 5
    Number : 17

    Activity 1

    1. Cytoplasma =sitoplasma
    2. Neddel = jarum
    3. Respiratory = pernapasan
    4. Weakened=melemah
    5. Unwittingly= tanpa disadari
    6.unwell= sakit
    7. Unstable= tidak stabil
    9. Infected = terjangkit
    10. Skin rash = ruam kulit
    11. Symptoms = Gejala

  116. Name : Fatika Maulidayanti
    Class : X MIPA 1
    No absent : 14
    I Will answer question number 6

    Symptoms that a person may experience after being infected with the corona virus are
    3.respiratory symptoms
    -sere throat
    -shortness of breath
    4.lost of taste or smoll
    5.skin rash

  117. Name : Irma Rahmawati
    Class : 10 MIPA 1
    I Will answer question no 5

    5. The most indirect transmission of the Covid-19 virus occurred. Transmission occurs through objects around us that are contaminated with the Covid-19 virus that we touch and then touch our mouth, nose and eyes. So the transmission is very effective.

  118. Name : Nazwa Natasya
    Class : X MIPA 1
    Number : 23

    i want to answer number 6

    6. Examples of symptoms :
    - fever
    - fatigue
    - respiratory symptoms
    - loss of taste or smell (some people)
    - skin rash

  119. Name : Muhamad Dimas Ripanggi
    Class : X MIPA 1
    Noabsent : 20

    I Will answer question number 6

    Symptoms that a person may experience after being infected with the corona virus are
    3.respiratory symptoms
    -sere throat
    -shortness of breath
    4.lost of taste or smoll
    5.skin rashh

  120. Name : Muhamad Dimas Ripanggi
    Class : X MIPA 1
    Noabsent : 20

    I Will answer question number 6

    Symptoms that a person may experience after being infected with the corona virus are
    3.respiratory symptoms
    -sere throat
    -shortness of breath
    4.lost of taste or smoll
    5.skin rashh

  121. Name: Tri Meta Sarra
    Class: X MIPA 1
    Absen: 33

    Ansew no.6
    Fever, fatigue, repiratory symptoms, loss of taste or smell, skin rash.

  122. Name:FLORA SITA
    NO, ABS;16
    I want to answer 4
    1.) This image tells about the switch that can cause the viral agent to pass from human to human if touched by many people

    2.) A person infected with the corona virus then monitors the switch, which will then be touched by another person. which if touched will be exposed to the corona virus

    3.) Bats

    4.) direct contact with animals infected with the corona virus, and consuming extreme foods such as bat meat

    5.) It can be a collection of objects that an infected person has touched, from the air, and also from infected animals

    6.) Most common symptoms:
    dry cough

  123. Name : Dwi Puspa Angraeni
    Class : X MIPA 1
    Absent : 11

    I will answer question no 6

    6).The symptoms experienced by someone infected with the covid-19 virus are:
    3.loss of taste or smell
    4.skin rash
    5.respiratory symptoms among them :
    -sore throat
    -shortness of breath

  124. Nama : Diana indah
    Kelas : x mipa 1
    Absen: 10

    I Will answer question number 6

    6. Fever ≥380 C
    Fatigue or weakness
    Cough without phlegm
    No appetite
    Loss of ability to taste or smell

  125. Name:Aliv Vianto
    Class:X MIPA 1
    Ansew no 6.
    Initial symptoms of Corona or Covid virus infection can resemble flu symptoms, namely fever, runny nose, dry cough, sore throat and headache, after which the symptoms can disappear and heal, instead making sufferers with severe symptoms can experience high fever, cough with phlegm, even bleeding, shortness of breath and chest pain symptoms these symptoms appear when the body reacts against the Corona virus or

  126. Name : Ziska Aulia Rahman
    Class : X MIPA 1
    No.Abs : 35

    Answer no.6
    Fever, fatigue, respiratory symptoms, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath

  127. Name: Devina Damayanti
    Class: X MIPA 1
    Absen: 09

    I will answer questions number 6
    What symptoms may a person have after infected?

    1. Sore or uncomfortable throat
    Dry cough (without accompanied by phlegm)
    2. Fever
    3. Feel the heat
    Body and joints ache
    4. Difficulty breathing due to tightness (in severe cases)
    5. Diarrhea, runny nose, nausea and loss of taste (tongue) are found in a small proportion of sufferers.

  128. Nama : Rahma Wati Dewi
    Kelas : X MIPA 1
    No. Absen : 26

    Answer number 6:

    -Respiratory symptoms
    -loss of taste or smell (some people)
    - shortness breath
    - lost of taste or snell
    - skin rash

  129. Nama : Zakiyah Ummu kulsum Fatimah
    Kelas: X MIPA 4
    absen: 35
    I Will answer question number 1

    1. What does the series of picture talk about

    - the origin and the parts coronavirus
    -symptoms and treatment after infection Coronavirus

  130. Name : Aulya Rachman Gunawan
    Class : X MIPA 1
    Absen number : 5

    I Will answer number 6
    People who infected covid 19 mau have fever, fatigue, respiratory symptomps, loss of taste and Snell and skin rush

  131. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  132. Name: Enggin Fileonza
    Class: X mipa 1
    Absen: 13
    I will answer number 5

    Coronavirus transmission occurs through direct contact such as secretions from an infected person, such as saliva, through droplets or respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, or sings.

  133. Name: Tamara Salsabila Az-zahra
    Class: X MIPA 1
    Absent: 31


  134. Name: Icha Nursifa
    class: X MIPA 1
    Absent: 18

    Pertanyaan :
    6. What symptoms may a person have after infected?

    answer number 6:
    Symptoms that a person may develop after being infected:
    1. Fever
    2. Fatigue
    3. Respiratory symptoms include:
    - Loss of taste or smell
    - Skin rash
    - Cough
    - Sore throat
    - Shortness of breath

    severe cases :
    - Pneumonia
    - Organ Failure
    - death

  135. Name : Nafisah Ramadhani
    Class: X MIPA 1
    Number: 22
    I Will answer question number 6

    Symptoms that a person may experience after being infected with the corona virus are
    3.respiratory symptoms
    -sore throat
    -shortness of breath
    4.lost of taste or smell
    5.skin rash

  136. Nama:Windi Liyana
    Class:X Mipa 1

    1. Different: berbeda
    2. Ciroulate: berputar
    3. Respiratory: Pernafasan
    4. Spillover: kelebihan
    5. Infected: terjangkit
    6. Inoubation: keraguan
    7. Symptoms: gejala
    8. Advice : Saran
    9. Shorteness: sesak
    10. Treatmen: pengobatan
    11. Prevention : Pencegahan
    12. Unwell : Sakit
    13. investigation: penyelidikan
    14. Fingerpint: sidik jari
    15. Avoiding: menghindari
    16. Diffioulty: kesulitan
    17. Important: penting
    18. Development: pengembangan
    19. Concern: perhatian
    20. Currently: saat ini

  137. Name : Elena
    Class : 10 MIPA 4
    Absen : 11

    Activity 1 :

    1. protein spikes = lonjakan protein
    2. respiratory = pernafasan
    3. Common cold = flu biasa
    4. severe disease = penyakit parah
    5. Spillover = kelebihan
    6. Inoubation period = periode keraguan
    7. Sore throat = sakit tenggorokan
    8. Shortness of breath = sesak napas

  138. Name: Dea oktivia
    Class: X MIPA 1
    Absen: 07
    I will answer number 5

    5).Corona virus transmission can also occur if people inhale droplets that come out of a cough or breath (sneeze) from a person who has the Corona virus. Therefore, it is important for us to keep a distance of more than 1 meter from people who are sick.

  139. Name: Rodiah
    Class: X MIPA 1
    No absen: 28
    I will answer qustion number 6

    Symptoms that a person may exsperience after being infected with the corona virus are.
    1. Faver
    2. Out of breath
    3. Dry cough
    4. Diarrhea
    5. Sere throat
    6. Headache
    7. Los of taste
    8. No appetite
    9. Fatigue or weakness
    10. Loss of the ability to smell

  140. Name:Hanu Nabila
    Class: X MIPA 1
    No.Absen: 17
    I want to answer no 6

    Symptoms that a person may experience after being infected with the cowonya virus are
    3.respiratory symptoms
    -sore throat
    -shortness of breath
    4.lost of taste or smell
    5.skin rash

  141. Name:Hanu Nabila
    Class: X MIPA 1
    No.Absen: 17
    I want to answer no 6
    Symptoms that a person may experience after being infected with the corona virus are
    3.respiratory symptoms
    -sore throat
    -shortness of breath
    4.lost of taste or smell
    5.skin rash

  142. Name ;flora SITA
    Class; X MIPA 1
    NO, ABS;16

    4.) direct contact with animals infected with the corona virus, and consuming extreme foods such as bat meat

  143. Name : Elena
    Class : 10 MIPA 4
    Absent :11
    I want to answer no 6

    the symptoms that occur in people exposed to the corona virus are

    3. respiratory symptoms
    4. lost of taste or smell
    5. skin rash
    6. cough
    7. sore throat
    8. Shortness of breath

  144. Name: Aida fizriah
    Class: X MIPA 1
    Absent: 2

    I will answer question number5

    that the corona virus can be transmitted from human to human. The mode of transmission is through fluids released by the respiratory system (droplets) or saliva that comes out when coughing, sneezing, even talking.

  145. Name : Sulis Setiawati
    Class : X MIPA 4
    No. Absence : 28

    1. Inoubation = keraguan
    2. Shorteness = sesak
    3. Prevention = pencegahan
    4. Fingerpint = sidik jari
    5. Ingenios way = cara yang cerdik
    6. Scalable = terukur
    7. Unwitingly = tanpa disadari
    8. Concerns = kekhawatiran
    9. Protein spikes = lonjakan protein
    10. Rash = Ruam
    11. Infected = terjangkit
    12. Symtoms = Gejala
    13. Spillover = kelebihan
    14. Envelope = Selubung virus
    15. Severe Disease = Penyakit parah
    16. Treatmen = Pengobatan
    17. High Blood Pressure = Tekanan darah tinggi
    18. Funding = Pendanaan
    19. Common = Umum
    20. Fatigue = Kelelahan

    sorry sir, I'm late doing the taskπŸ™

  146. Name: Rifky Fauzan
    Class: X MIPA 4
    Absen: 22
    1. Laboratory: laboratorium
    2. Vaccine: vaksin
    3. Genetig material: substitansi yang dapat membawa informasi genetik pada makhluk hidup untuk keturunannya
    4. Cytoplasm: sitoplasma
    5. Treat: mengobati
    6. Symptoms: gejala
    7. Unwell: sakit
    8. Avoid: menghindari
    9. Disease: penyakit
    10. Fatigue: kelelahan


    Class: X MIPA 4
    Number: 20

    Answer number 6
    6). Examples of symptoms:
    - fever
    - fatigue
    - respiratory symptoms
    - loss of taste or smell (some people)
    - skin rash (some people)

  148. Nama : DINA AVRIYANI
    Kelas : X MIPA 4
    Absen : 09

    1. Respiratory : pernapasan
    2. Ribosom : organel ukuran kecil
    3. Weakened : melemah
    4. SLN : sistem penghantaran obat baru
    5. B cells : limfosit
    6. Scalable : terukur
    7. Unstable : tidak stabil
    8. Concise : ringkas
    9. Toushes : sentuhan
    10. Release : melepaskan

  149. Name : Adinda N. L
    Class : X Mipa 4
    No.Abs: 01

    Activity 1

    1. Subsequently : Kemudian
    2. Scalable : Terukur
    3. Acute : Akut
    4. Ranging : Mulai
    5. Severe disease: Penyakit parah
    6. Protein spikes : Lonjakan protein
    7. Spillover : Kelebihan
    8. Flexed : Tertekuk
    9. Unwittingly : Tanpa di sadari
    10. Soreness : Rasa sakit
    11. Fragment : Pecahan
    12. Concise : Ringkas

    Activity 2

    Answer Number 6:

    6. Symptoms may a person have after infected are:
    - Fever
    - Fatigue
    - Respiratory Symptoms such as:
    - Cough
    - Sore Throat
    - Shortness of breath
    Symptoms that some people also have:
    - Loss of taste or smell
    - Skin rash
    In Severe Cases:
    - Pneumonia
    - Organ failure
    - Death

  150. Name:Rahman fauji
    Class:X MIPA 4
    No absence:21
    I want to answer no 6
    3. respiratory symptoms
    4. lost of taste or smell
    5. skin rash
    6. cough
    7. sore throat
    8. Shortness of breath

  151. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    Name: Rakhman Wira Subagja
    Class: X Mipa 1
    Abs: 27
    I Will Answer Number 2.(Part/structure corona)

    This virus belongs to the virus family Coronaviridae of the order Nidovirales. Corona means the crown with the structure of protein called a spike on the layer outside the virus. This virus has a diameter of 65–125 nm, and includes the RNA virus. This virus has an envelope and membrane glycoprotein. Spike protein (S-protein) from 2019 -nCoV can attaches to the protein angiotensinconverting enzyme 2 (ACE2) which is found in human epithelial cells.

  152. Name : Siti Gishadona
    Class : 10 MIPA 4
    Absent : 25

    Answer Activity 1 :
    1. Protein spikes : Lonjakan Protein
    2. Respiratory : Pernapasan
    3. Currently known : Saat ini dikenal
    4. Might Change : Mungkin berubah
    5. Common cold : Flu biasa
    6. Severe disease : Penyakit parah
    7. Spillover : Kelebihan
    8. Infected person : Orang yang terinfeksi
    9. Fatigue : Kelelahan
    10. Respiratory symptons : Gejala Pernapasan
    11. Sore throat : Sakit Tenggorokam
    12. Shortness of breath : Sesak Napas
    13. Heart disease : Penyakit Jantung
    14. Development : Pengembangan
    15. Physical and social distancing : Jarak fisik dan sosial

  153. Name: Azhar Fauziah
    Class: X mipa 4
    Absence: 07

    Activity 1
    1. Touches: sentuhan
    2. Release: melepaskan
    3. Ultimately: akhirnya
    4. Yourselves: dirimu sendiri
    5. Depending: tergantung
    6. Adventage: keuntungan
    7. Carries: membawa
    8. Destroys: menghancurkan
    9. Fragment: fragmen
    10. Neutralize: menetralkan
    11. Infected: terinfeksi
    12. These: ini
    13. Already: sudah
    14. Future: masa depan
    15. Unstable: tidak stabil

  154. Name : Suci Rima Wati
    Class : 10 MIPA 4
    Absent : 27
    1. Spillover = Kelebihan
    2. Droplets = Tetesan
    3. Concern = Perhatian
    4. Innoubation = Keraguan
    5. Pressure = Tekanan
    6. Recognize = Mengenali
    7. Cough = Batuk
    8. Destroys = Menghancurkan
    9. Avoiding = Menghindari
    10. Unwittingly = Tanpa disadari
    11. Decades = Dekade
    12. Funding = Pendanaan
    13. Concise = Ringkas
    14. Throat = Tenggorokan
    15. Breathing = Pernapasan

  155. Name : Mukhtar Muhamad Mauluddien
    Class : X MIPA 1
    No.Abs : 21

    Answer no.6

    The most common symptoms:
    dry cough
    Slightly uncommon symptoms:
    discomfort and pain
    sore throat
    conjunctivitis (red eye)
    loss of taste or smell
    rash on the skin, or discoloration of the fingers or toes
    Serious symptoms:
    difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
    chest pain or pressure in the chest
    loss of ability to speak or move

  156. Marshelina
    X Mipa 4
    Abs 17

    Activity 1
    1. Infected person = Orang yang terinfeksi
    2. Symptoms = Gejala
    3. Different = berbeda
    4. Ultimately = Akhirnya
    5. Neutralize = Menetralkan
    6. Future = Masa depan
    7. investigation = penyelidikan
    8. Inoubation = keraguan
    9. Respiratory = Pernafasan
    10. Protein spikes = Lonjakan protein
    11. Destroys = Hancurkan
    12. Unwittingly = Tanpa disadari

    Activity 2

    -Answer number 5

    The transmission process is when people cough, sneeze and fluids enter and are transmitted to other human bodies. It can also become infected when you touch a contaminated surface and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth before washing your hands.

    Kelas:X MIPA 4

    I will answer number 4
    4.) direct contact with animals infected with the corona virus, and consuming extreme foods such as bat meat

  158. Nama: Muhammad Rejaus Syifa
    Kelas : X MIPA 4
    Absen : 18
    1. Ilness : penyakit
    2. Circulate : mengedarkan
    3. Spillover : kelebihan
    4. Symptoms : gejala
    5. Mild : ringan
    6. Severe : berat
    7. Risk : resiko
    8. Fatigue : kelelahan
    9. Currently : saat ini
    10. Neutralize : menetralkan
    11. Avoiding : menghindari
    12. Funding : pendanaan

  159. Nama : Muhammad Rejaus Syifa
    Kelas : X MIPA 4
    Absen : 18

    Answer number 6

    -Respiratory symptoms
    -Loss of taste or smell (some people)
    -Skin rash (some people)

  160. Name: Rifky Fauzan
    Class: X MIPA 4
    Absen: 22

    I want to answer question number 6, the symptoms that may occur when infected are:
    -respiratory symtomps
    -lost of taste or smell
    -skin rash

  161. Nama:washifatul sholihati
    Kls: x mipa 4
    No absen:33
    Answer number 6
    -Respiratory symptoms
    -Loss of taste or smell
    -Skin rash

  162. Name : Suci Rima Wati
    Class : 10 MIPA 4
    Absent : 27

    Answer to Activity 2 :

    Question number 6 :
    What symptoms may a person have after infected?
    We will experience fever, fatigue, respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath. Then some people will lose taste or smell, skin rashes, even severe cases, pneumonia, organ failure, and death.

  163. Nama:Amel Rahmadani
    Kelas:X MIPA 4
    Activity 1

    1.Generic material=materi genetik
    2.Protein spikes=lonjakan protein
    4.Common cold=flu biasa
    5.Severe disease=penyalit parah
    15.Currently=saat ini

  164. Name: Gitta Amelia Furihiningsih
    Class: X Mipa 4
    Absent: 12

    Answer activity 1
    1. Currently= saat ini
    2. Protein spikes= lonjakan protein
    3. Different= berbeda
    4. Respiratory= pernafasan
    5. Severe disease= penyakit parah
    6. Spillover= kelebihan
    7. Difficulty breathing= sulit bernafas
    8. Cough= batuk
    9. Symptoms= gejala
    10. Fatigue= kelelahan

  165. Nama:Amel Rahmadani
    Kelas:X MIPA 4

    Answer activity 2

    Question number 5:
    How does Coronavirus transmit among humans?
    Through droplets or saliva that comes out when coughing and sneezing without covering the mouth, even speaking.
    Through a touch or handshake of an infected person.
    Touching a surface or object with the virus, then touching the nose, eyes or mouth, without washing
    too long when traveling in a crowded place

  166. Nama:Amel Rahmadani
    Kelas:X MIPA 4
    Activity 1

    1.Generic material=materi genetik
    2.Protein spikes=lonjakan protein
    4.Common cold=flu biasa
    5.Severe disease=penyalit parah
    15.Currently=saat ini

  167. Name: Gitta Amelia Furihiningsih
    Class: X Mipa 4
    Absent: 12

    Answer activity 2
    What symptoms may a person have after infected?
    The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, and tiredness. Other symptoms that are less common and may affect some patients include loss of taste or smell, aches and pains, headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, red eyes, diarrhoea, or a skin rash

  168. Name : Arya Manggala
    Class : X MIPA 1
    No absent : 4
    I Will answer question number 6

    Symptoms that a person may experience after being infected with the corona virus are
    3.respiratory symptoms
    -sore throat
    -shortness of breath
    4.lost of taste or smell
    5.skin rash
    6. Headache
    7. Los of taste
    8. No appetite
    9. Fatigue or weakness
    10. Loss of the ability to smell

  169. Name: Sri Liyani
    Class: X MIPA 4

    Activity 1
    1. Respiratory=pernafasan
    2. Common cold=flu biasa
    3. Circulate=mengedarkan
    4. Droplets=tetesan kecil
    5. Transmission=penularan
    6. Infected=terjangkit
    7. Exposure=paparan
    8. Fever=demam
    9. Fatigue=kelelahan
    10. Cough=batuk
    11. Breathing=pernafasan
    12. Shortness of breath=sesak nafas
    13. Skin rash=ruam kulit
    14. Touches=sentuhan
    15. High blood pressure=tekanan darah tinggi
    16. Chronic respiratory disease=penyakit pernafasan kronis

    Activity 2
    Answer no 5
    How does Coronavirus transmit among humans?

    Touching a surface or object with the virus,then touching the nose,eyes or mouth, without washing too long when traveling in a crowded place.

  170. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    1. Nama: Silvia Agustina
      Kelas : X MIPA 4
      No. Absen: 24

      Activity 1
      1. Respiratory=pernafasan
      2. Common cold=flu biasa
      3. Droplets=tetesan kecil
      4. Circulate=mengedarkan
      5. Infected = terjangkit
      6. Transmission=penularan
      7. Exposure=paparan
      8. Fever=demam
      9. Fatigue=kelelahan
      10. Cough=batuk
      11. Breathing=pernafasan
      12. Shortness of breath=sesak nafas
      13. Skin rash=ruam kulit
      14. Touches=sentuhan
      15. High blood pressure=tekanan darah tinggi
      16. Chronic respiratory disease=penyakit pernafasan kronis

  171. Name:Balgis nurseha juliana
    Class:X mipa

    1. Cough:batuk
    2. Fever:demam
    4. These:ini
    5. Fragment:fragmen
    6. Already:sudah
    7. Release:melepaskan
    8. Depending:tergantung
    9. Infected: terinfeksi
    10. Adventage:keuntungan
    11. Future:masa depan
    12. Exposure:paparan
    13. Fatigue:kelelahan
    14. Skin rash:ruam kulit
    15. Cough:batuk
    16. Future:masa depan
    17. Rasa umum

  172. Name:Virnie Naira Alifa
    Class: X Mipa 4
    No abs:32

    1. currently=saat ini
    2. spillover=kelebihan
    3. avoiding=menghindari
    4. severe=berat
    5. symptoms=gejala
    6. unstable=tidak stabil
    7. common=umum
    8. fatigue=kelelahan
    9. subsequently=kemudian
    10. respiratory=pernafasan

    answer number 2:
    parts of coronavirus is
    -genetic material
    -protein spikes

  173. Name : Sekar Ayu Mukti Wulandari
    Class : X MIPA 4
    Absence : 23

    1.Envelope = amplop
    2.Common cold = flu
    3.Severe disease = penyakit
    yang parah
    4.Spillover = kelebihan
    5.Droplets = tetesan kecil
    6.Symptoms = gejala
    7.Sore throat = sakit
    8.Shortness of breath = sesak
    9.Skin rash = ruam kulit
    10.Chronic respiratory =
    penyakitt pernapasan
    11.Difficulty breathing = sulit
    Answer number 5 =
    The transmission of the corona virus occurs when people are affected by it sneezes, coughs, etc., so we have to keep our distance from the people around us from contracting the corona virus

    Sorry Sir I'm working on a late classπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    Kelas :X MIPA 4

    4.Severe disease:penyakit parah
    6.Spike Protein:lonjakan protein
    7.Nucleus:inti sel
    8.Envelope:Selubung virus
    11.Genetig Material:subtansi yang dapat membawa informasi genetik pada makhluk hidup untuk dapat keturunan

  175. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  176. Name : Ahmad Habib Ramadhani
    Class : MIPA 5

    What does the series of pictures talk about?

    Answer : Corona Virus (Covid-19)


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