Report Text 2: Covid-19 and Vaccine
Learning Objectives:
- Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks report lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait teknologi yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di Kelas X sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
- Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks report lisan dan tulis, terkait teknologi yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di Kelas X
- Menyusun teks report lisan dan tulis, terkait teknologi yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di Kelas X, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.
Activity 7
Check out this video:
Write the words you think important or new. Then check dictionary to know their meaning.
Antigen : zat perangsang kekebalan tubuh
............... : ............................
Post in "Comment" space at minimum 5 new/important words and their meaning.
You can also make correction, add meaning or respond to one of your classmates' answers in "Reply/Balas."
Activity 8
Study the following questions.
1. What does the video talk about?
> About ....
2. How do Covid-19 vaccines produce immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus?
> By ....
3. How many types of vaccines are described in the video? Mention whatever they are!
> There are ....
> They are ....
4. For what do traditional vaccines modify virus?
> To ....
5. What happens next to a person who has gotten traditional vaccine?
6. What is the advantage of protein subunit vaccine?
7. For what are adjuvants designed?
To ....
8. How does viral vector vaccine work?
By ...
9. How does nucleic acid vaccine take direct approach?
By ....
10. For what are hundreds of Covid-19 vaccines developed?
In order to ....
Answer them in your notebook, based on the content of video in Activity 7.
Send one of your answers into "Comment" column.
You can also respond to one of your classmates' answer in "Reply" column.
Activity 9
Write yourself, or search for, a report text about vaccine or other topic related to technology.
Make analysis about social function, generic structure and language features of your text.
Upload it to your blog.
BalasHapusClass : 10 MIPA 3
absent : 29
Involves : Melibatkan
Incapable : Tidak mampu
Required : yang dibutuhkan
Disease : Penyakit
Trigger : pelatuk
Attaching : melampirkan
Mixture : campuran
Name :Clarissa Amorita Perdana
BalasHapusClass :X Mipa 3
Activity 7:
Incapable=tidak mampu
nama:palagan abiyyu gumelar
BalasHapuskelas: x mipa 3
Activity 7
-involves - melibatkan
-fragment - pecahan
-incapable - tidak mampu
-aimed - ditujukan
-include chemical - termasuk bahan kimia
-adiuvant - pembantu
-harmless - tidak berbahaya
-devolopment - pengembangan
-direct approach - pendekatan langsung
Nama: Yesika
Kelas: X MIPA 3
Activity 7
Spike protein: protein lonjakan
Trigger: Pelatuk
DNA vaccines:. Vaksin DNA
Incapable: tidak mampu
Attaching: melampirkan
Name: Seli Karismatika
BalasHapusClass: X mipa 3
Activity: 7
1. Surface of the virus : Permukaan virus
2. Weaken : Melemahkan
3. Prime : Perdana
4. Quickly : Lekas
5. Active virus : Virus aktif
6. Involves : Melibatkan
7. Capable : Mampu
8. Cells : Sel
9. However : Namun
10. Large : Besar
Nama:Muhammad Nalendra
BalasHapusKelas:X Mipa 3
Activity 7
DNA vaccines:Vaksin DNA
Spike protein:Protein lonjakan
Incapable:Tidak mampu
Nama : Lia juvita
BalasHapusKelas : 10 mipa 2
No absen : 16
Activity 7
Involves : Melibatkan
Incapable : Tidak mampu
Required : yang dibutuhkan
Spike protein: protein lonjakan
Trigger: Pelatuk
DNA vaccines:. Vaksin DNA
Disease : Penyakit
Trigger : pelatuk
Attaching : melampirkan
Mixture : campuran
Name: Nabila Arni
BalasHapusNumber absent: 22
Class: X MIPA 3
Anti bodi: kelas obat
Include: termasuk
Booster: pendorong
Vaksin mRNA: salah satu jenis vaksin yang dikembangkan untuk menangani atau mencegah penyebaran COVID-19
Infection: Infeksi
Inserting: memasukkan
Adenovirus: Virus produktif
Different: berbeda
Vaksin mRNA : Vaccine mRNA
HapusNabila arni , what you answer is not the meaning but more explanation, because the mRNA vaccine is a type of vaccine and even if you want to explain, use English
Yes. Nabila has defined mRNA vaccine though still in Bahasa. That's OK. Who can define it in English?
HapusMaybe i can
HapusThe mRNA vaccine is a type of vaccine developed to prevent or prevent the spread of COVID-19. This vaccine is a new type of vaccine whose content is different from other types of vaccines.
HapusNama: Gina
BalasHapusno absen: 14
Kelas: X mipa 3
Activity: 7
Quickly: segera
Disease: penyakit
incapable: tidak mampu
attaching: melampirkan
aimed: di tujukan
Name: Dwi Indah Meylani Gunawan
BalasHapusClass: X Mipa 3
Absent: 09
Activity 7
1. Immunity: kekebalan
2. Attaching: melampirkan
3. Disease: penyakit
4. Infected: terjangkit
5. Weaken: melemahkan
6. Introduced: di perkenalkan
7. Incapable: tidak mampu
8. Involves: melibatkan
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 2
Absent: 07
- Infected cells : sel yang terinfeksi
- Fragment : pecahan
- Defences : pertahanan
- Spike protein : protein lonjakan
- Surface : permukaan
- Weakened : melemah
- Trigger : pelatuk
- Devolopment : pengembangan
- Adiuvant : pembantu
Nama : Dinda Bunga Avriliatama
BalasHapusNo. Absen : 08
Kelas : 10 MIPA 3
activity 7
Developed : dikembangkan
Spike protein : protein lonjakan
Surface : permukaan
Modifying : memodifikasi
Weaken : melemahkan
Disable : nonaktifkan
Disease : penyakit
Trigger : pemicu
Involves : melibatkan
Recognized : diakui
Nama:Ina Agniya Nadiroh
BalasHapusKelas:X Mipa 3
No absen:15
Activity 7
1.Chemical:Bahan kimia
3.Required:Yang dibutuhkan
4.Viral vector:Vektor virus
Name : Nauval Akhiru Romadhoni
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 2
Absen : 21
1. Zat besi : senyawa penting yang merupakan komponen dari hemoglobin dan bertugas mengikat oksigen dalam darah
2. Yodium : komponen yang digunakan tiroid untuk memproduksi hormon tiroid
3. Flourida : bentuk ionik dari fluorin yang diperlukan tubuh agar tulang dan gigi menjadi kuat
4. Magnesium : zat mineral penting yang sangat diperlukan oleh tubuh
5. Tembaga : mineral yang bermanfaat untuk mencegah dan mengobati defisiensi tembaga
Are you sure those words are from the video?
HapusNama : Dwi yanti
BalasHapusClass : x MIPA 3
Absent : 10
• fragment : pecahan
• weaken : melemahkan
• mixture : campuran
• DNA vaccines : vaksin DNA
• cella : sel
• trigger : pelatuk
• adiuvant : pembantu
Name:Nabila Itsna Nurkholifah
BalasHapusAbsent: 20
Class: X Mipa2
surfaced= permukaan
immune= imun
advantage= keuntungan
incapable=tidak mampu
Name : Aini Indah Suci
BalasHapusClass : 10 MIPA 2
Absen : 02
Activity 7
- Spike protein : protein
- Surface : permukaan
- Weaken : melemahkan
- Disable : melumpuhkan
- Defences : pertahanan
- Fragment : pecahan
- Advantage : keuntungan
- Required : yang dibutuhkan/wajib
- Pathogen : patogen/parasit
- Hijacking : pembajakan
- Mechanism : mekanisme
- Involve : melibatkan
- Approach : pendekatan
Nama : Fatma Aulia Zahra
BalasHapusKelas : 10 MIPA 2
Absen : 13
Activity 7
1. Trigger : Pelatuk
2. Modifying : Memodifikasi
3. Involves : Melibatkan
4. Surface : Permukaan
5. Disease : Penyakit
6. Booster : Pendorong
7. Involves : Melibatkan
8. Cells : Sel
9. Disable : Nonaktifkan
10. Immunity : Kekebalan
11. Weaken : Melemahkan
12. Fragment : Pecahan
13. Attaching : Melampirkan
14. Mixture : Campuran
15. Quickly : Segera
Name: Siti Melis Samrotul Fuadah
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 3
Absent: 31
Activity 7
1. defences : pertahanan
2. nonpathogenic : a Bio tidak mampu menimbulkan penyakit (tentang jasad hidup renik atau jasad lain)
3. Pathogenic : agen biologis yang menyebabkan penyakit pada inangnya
4. incapable : tidak mampu
5. Cells : merupakan unit terkecil dari makhluk hidup secara struktural dan fungsional serta tidak dapat dibagi lagi menjadi bagian yang lebih kecil.
6. quickly : segera
7. Fragment : pecahan
Name: Djenar Maesa Ayu
BalasHapusClass: 10 mipa 2
Absent. 11
Usually: biasanya
Trigger: pelatuk
Involves: melibatkan
Incapable: tidak mampu
DNA Vaccine: vaksin DNA
Large: besar
Different: beda
Nama: Fitria Listiani
BalasHapusKelas: X MIPA 3
No. Absen: 13
Activity 7
1). Stimulating = Merangsang
2). Immune = Sistem kekebalan tubuh
3). Protein = Nutrisi penting bagi tubuh
4). Antibodies = Zat kimia yang beredar di aliran darah dan termasuk sebagai bagian dari sistem kekebalan tubuh
5). Cells = Salah satu unit terkecil makhluk hidup yang merupakan dasar penyusun bagian bagian dari tubuh
Name:Neta Adelia Ramadhani
BalasHapusClass:X Mipa 2
Activity 7
Spike protein:Protein lonjakan
DNA vaccines:Vaksin DNA
Incapable:tidak mampu
Nama : Rachma Fatihat Thoriq
BalasHapusKelas : 10 MIPA 2
Absen : 26
Activity 7
• Disable : Nonaktifkan
• Immunity : Kekebalan
• Weaken : Melemahkan
• Fragment : Pecahan
• Attaching : Melampirkan
• Mixture : Campuran
• Quickly : Segera
• Trigger : Pelatuk
• Surface : Permukaan
• Disease : Penyakit
• Modifying : Memodifikasi
• Booster : Pendorong
• Involves : Melibatkan
• Cells : Sel
• Involves : Melibatkan
• Different: Beda
• DNA Vaccine: vaksin DNA
Nama: Arin Shofiya Khilqy
BalasHapusKelas: 10 mipa 2
Absen: 04
Activity 7:
- Developed: dikembangkan
- Required: yang dibutuhkan
- Weaken: melemahkan
- Disease: penyakit
- Defenses: pertahanan
- Infolves: melibatkan
- Mixture: campuran
Name: Luthfiyyah Rahmah
BalasHapusClass: X Mipa 3
Absent: 20
Activity 7
- Develop : mengembangkan
- Stimulating : merangsang
- Involves : melibatkan
- Surface of the virus : permukaan virus
- Advantage : keuntungan
- harmless : tidak berbahaya
- Speed : kecepatan
- Weaken : melemahkan
- approach : pendekatan
- Disease : penyakit
- Cheap : murah
- DNA Vaccines : vaksin DNA
- Defence : pertahanan
Nama: Fatma Muthia Thazqia
BalasHapusKelas: X MIPA 3
No absen: 12
Activity 7
1. T cells = darah putih.
2. Antibodies = imun tubuh.
3. Quickly = segera.
4. Involve = melibatkan.
5. Fragment = pecahan.
6. Themselves = diri.
7. Pathogens = mikroorganisme parasit.
8. Adenovirus = grup virus yang dapat menyebabkan infeksi pada mata, usus,paru,dan saluran pernapasan.
9. Adjuvants = substansi yang memperkuat dan memodulasi respons imun terhadap antigen.
10. Development = pengembangan.
11. DNA vaccines = vaksin yang mentransfeksi sekuens DNA pengkode antigen tertentu ke sel spesies yang diimunisasi.
12. Instead = sebagai gantinya.
13. Incapable = tidak mampu.
14. Infect = menulari.
15. Chemical = bahan kimia.
Nama: Lita mouza lestari
BalasHapusKelas : XMIPA 3
Activity 7
-cheap= murah
-develop= mengembangkan
-immunity=kekebalan imun
-involves= melibatkan
Name: Delfia Deva Pertiwi
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 2
Absent: 09
Activity 7
1. Instead=sebagai gantinya
2. generated= dihasilkan
3. defences= pertahankan
4. infected= terjangkit
5. exposed= terekpos
6. involve= melibatkan
7. fragment= pecahan
8. recognised= di akui
9. chemical= bahan kimia
10. Trigger= pelatuk
11. amounts= jumlah
12. harmless= tidak berbahaya
13. gene gun= senjata gen
14. disease= penyakit
15. quickly= segera
Nama:Sindy Aulia
BalasHapusKls : X mipa3
Absen: 30
Activity 7
•Development= pengembangan
•chemical=bahan kimia
Name: Aida Rufaidah
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 3
Absent: 03
Activity 7
1. Immunity: Kekebalan
2. Weaken: Melemahkan
3. Stimulating: Merangsang
4. Antibodies: Zat kimia yang beredar di aliran darah (termasuk sebagai sistem kekebalan tubuh)
5. Trigger: Pelatuk
6. Quickly: Lekas/segera
7. Incapable: Tidak mampu
8. Involves: Melibatkan
9. Hijacking: Pembajakan
10. Required: Yang dibutuhkan/wajib
11. Surfaced: Permukaan
12. Adiuvant: Pembantu
13. Defences: Pertahankan
14. Harmless: Tidak berbahaya
15. Cells: Sel
BalasHapusKELAS : X MIPA 3
Activity 7 :
1. Required : yang dibutuhkan
2. Attaching : melampirkan
3. Surface : permukaan
4. Weaken : melemahkan
5. Defences : pertahanan
6. Quickly : segera
7. Incapable : tidak mampu
Nama: Pitriyah Ayu Ningsih
BalasHapusKelas : X MIPA 2
Absen: 24
Activity 7
1. Antibodies : antibodi
2. Cells : sel
3. Proteins : protein
4. Immune : imun
5. Fragments : fragmen
6. Vaccines : vaksin
7. Pathogen : patogen
8. Trigger : pelatuk
9. Adjuvants : adjuvan
Name: Salwa Nayla Putri Alamsyah
BalasHapusAbsent: 28
Class: X MIPA 2
Activity 7
- defences: Pertahanan
- infected cells: Sel yang terinfeksi
- involves: Melibatkan
- fragments: potongan-potongan
- advantage: manfaat
- spike protein: protein lonjakan
- mechanisms: peralatan
- attaching: memasang
- mixture: campura
- triger: pelatuk
Name: Vanessa Virginia Adeline
BalasHapusClass: 10 MIPA 2
Absent: 34
Activity 7
Attaching: melampirkan
Trigger: pelatuk
Disease: penyakit
Required: yang dibutuhkan
Mixture: campuran
Involves: melibatkan
Incapable: tidak mampu
Name: Muhammad Reynaldi
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 2
Absen: 19
Activity 7
Attaching: melampirkan
Trigger: pelatuk
Disease: penyakit
Required: yang dibutuhkan
Mixture: campuran
Involves: melibatkan
Incapable: tidak mampu
Name : arie dwi yanuar
BalasHapusClassClass : 10 Mipa 2
Absent : 03
Activity 7
Attaching: melampirkan
Trigger: pelatuk
Disease: penyakit
Required: yang dibutuhkan
Mixture: campuran
Involves: melibatkan
Incapable: tidak mampu
Name: Okta Viani Kristin
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 3
Absent: 25
Activity 7
panthogenic : agen biologis yang menyebabkan penyakit pada inangnya.
Adenovirus : keluarga virus yang memiliki inang vertebrata.
DNA vaccine : sejenis vaksin yang mentransfeksi sekuens DNA pengkode antigen tertentu ke sel spesies yang diimunisasi.
Gene gun : metode fisik untuk mentransfer DNA ke dalam sel atau jaringan makhluk hidup.
Trigger : pelatuk
Name : Nauval Akhiru Romadhoni
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 2
Absen : 21
1. Zat besi : senyawa penting yang merupakan komponen dari hemoglobin dan bertugas mengikat oksigen dalam darah.
1. Iron: an important compound which is a component of hemoglobin and is in charge of binding oxygen in the blood
2. Yodium : komponen yang digunakan tiroid untuk memproduksi hormon tiroid.
2. Iodine: a component used by the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones
3. Flourida : bentuk ionik dari fluorin yang diperlukan tubuh agar tulang dan gigi menjadi kuat
3. Fluoride: the ionic form of fluorine that the body needs for strong bones and teeth
4. Magnesium : zat mineral penting yang sangat diperlukan oleh tubuh
4. Magnesium: an essential mineral that is needed by the body
5. Tembaga : mineral yang bermanfaat untuk mencegah dan mengobati defisiensi tembaga
5. Copper: a mineral that is useful for preventing and treating copper deficiency
Nama: leysya ferzilia herwanty
BalasHapusKelas: X MIPA 3
Absen: 18
Flourida : bentuk ionik dari flourin yang diperlukan tubuh agar tulang dan gigi menjadi kuat
Adenovirus : keluarga virus yang memiliki inang vertebrata
Defences : pertahanan
Disease: penyakit
Involves: melibatkan
Name = Hilda Nadira
BalasHapusClass = X MIPA
Absence Number = 14
aim = tujuan, maksud
spike = menghentikan
surface = permukaan, luaran, dangkal
generated = menghasilkan, dihasilkan
defences = pertahanan-pertahanan
prime = utama
trigger = pemicu
fragments = penggalan-penggalan
involves = melibatkan diri
advantage = kelebihan
incapable = tidak mampu
aimed = mengarahkan
often = seringkali
adjuvants = yang membantu, obat
chemical = bahan kimia
required = memerlukan
booster = pendorong, penyokong
shots = suntikan-suntikan
hijacking = pembajakan, penculikan, pembegalan
harmless = tak berbahaya
approach = mendekati
mixture = campuran
BalasHapusNama: Wida Vonny Tiana
Kelas: X Mipa 5
Absen: 35
Activity 7
Incapable: tidak mampu.
Attaching: melampirkan.
Trigger: pelatuk.
Spike protein: protein lonjakan.
DNA vaccines: vaksin DNA.
BalasHapusX MIPA 5
Activity 7
The Answers:
- inserting = Memasukkan/ menyisipkan
-Trigger= pelatuk
-involves= melibatkan
- aimed= ditujukan
-immunity= imun/kekebalan
-attacking= menyerang
- defences= pertahanan
-Antibodies = Antibodi
- Surface= permukaan
-booster= pendorong
Name: Siti Liana Yahsa Hidayat
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 5
Absent: 27
Activity 7
Spike protein : protein lonjakan
Trigger : pelatuk
DNA vaccines : Vaksin DNA
Incapable : tidak mampu
Attaching : melampirkan
Mixture : campuran
Disease : penyakit
Defences : pertahanan
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 5
Absent: 24
Activity 7 :
Surface = Permukaan
Weaken = Melemahkan
Spike protein = Protein lonjakan
DNA vaccines = Vaksin DNA
Attaching = Melampirkan
Incapable = Tidak mampu
Trigger = Pelatuk
Direct approach = Pendekatan langsung
BalasHapusCLASS : X Mipa 5
Absence Number : 16
Activity 7:
Incapable=tidak mampu
Vaksin mRNA: salah satu jenis vaksin yang dikembangkan untuk menangani atau mencegah penyebaran COVID-19/Vaksin mRNA
Infection: Infeksi
Inserting: memasukkan
Adenovirus: Virus produktif
the correct answer is Vaksin mRNA, because mRNA vaccine is a type of covid 19 vaccine
HapusName : sri intan
BalasHapusClass :X mipa5
absence : 28
1. Immunity: kekebalan
2. Attaching: melampirkan
3. Disease: penyakit
4. Infected: terjangkit
5. Weaken: melemahkan
6. Introduced: di perkenalkan
7. Incapable: tidak mampu
8. Involves: melibatkan
Name:Anggi oktami saputri
BalasHapusClass: x mipa 5
activity 7
-chemical=bahan kimia
-harmless=tidak berbahaya
-DNA vaccines=vaksin DNA
Name : sri intan
BalasHapusClass :X mipa5
absence : 28
1. Immunity: kekebalan
2. Attaching: melampirkan
3. Disease: penyakit
4. Infected: terjangkit
5. Weaken: melemahkan
6. Introduced: di perkenalkan
7. Incapable: tidak mampu
8. Involves: melibatkan
Name: Djea ananda hashabilla
BalasHapusClass: X Mipa 5
Absent: 10
1. Spike protein : protein lonjakan
2. Surface : permukaan
3. Immune : imun
4. Whole virus vaccines : vaksin virus utuh
5. Active virus : virus aktif
6. Inactive virus : virus tidak aktif
7. Causing disease : menyebabkan penyakit
8. Antibodies : antibodi
9. Cells : sel
10. Infected cells : sel yang terinfeksi
Name: Alya Salsabila
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 5
Absent: 03
Activity 7
Flourida : bentuk ionik dari flourin yang diperlukan tubuh agar tulang dan gigi menjadi kuat
Adenovirus : keluarga virus yang memiliki inang vertebrata
Defences : pertahanan
Disease: penyakit
Involves: melibatkan
Aimed= ditujukan
Attaching: melampirkan
Incapable: tidak mampu
Develop : dikembangkan
BalasHapusClass: x mipa 5
Number: 25
Ask activity 7:
1. Anti bodies : anti bodi
2. Human cells: sel manusia
3. Active virus: virus aktif
4.Inactive virus: virus tidak aktif
5. Spike protein: protein lonjakan
6. Infected cells: sel yang terinfeksi
7. Adeno virus: adeno virus
Name: Shakila AR
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 5
Absence: 26
Activity 7
1). Surface: permukaan
2). quickly: segera
3). Cheap: murah
4). Incapable: Tidak mampu
5). Recognised: di akui
6). Rather: agak
7). Defences: pertahanan
Name:Suci Anita
BalasHapusClass:X Mipa 5
Activity 7
1. Genetic code: Kode genetic
2. Pandemic: Pandemi
3. Development: Pengembangan
4. Immune: Kekebalan
5. Pathogen:Patogen
6. Adjuvants: Adjuvan
7. Spike protein: Protein lonjakan
8. Relatively easy: Relatif mudah
9. Cheap to produce: Murah untuk diproduksi
10. Involves: Melibatkan
11. Fragments: Fragmen
12. Defences: Pertahanan
13. Antibodies: Antibodi
14. Infected cells: Sel yang terinfeksi
Name: Ivana rubby abigael
BalasHapusClass: x MIPA 5
Absent: 15
Activity 7
Involves : Melibatkan
Incapable : Tidak mampu
Required : yang dibutuhkan
Disease : Penyakit
Trigger : pelatuk
Attaching : melampirkan
Mixture : campuran
Nama: Winurdin
BalasHapusKelas: X MIPA 3
Absen: 34
Surface : Permukaan
Stimulating : Merangsang
Whole : Seluruh
T Cells : Sel T.
Exposed :Terkena
Weaken :Melemahkan
Involves : Melibatkan
Disable : Melumpuhkan
Name : Dicky pujiana
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 5
Absen : 09
1.Yodium : komponen yang digunakan tiroid untuk memproduksi hormon tiroid.
1. Iodine: a component used by the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones
2. Flourida : bentuk ionik dari fluorin yang diperlukan tubuh agar tulang dan gigi menjadi kuat
2. Fluoride: the ionic form of fluorine that the body needs for strong bones and teeth
3. Magnesium : zat mineral penting yang sangat diperlukan oleh tubuh
3. Magnesium: an essential mineral that is needed by the body
Olivia Zahra Diva
Activity 7
DNA Vaccines: Vaksin DNA
Incapable: Tidak mampu
mixture: Campuran
Disease: Penyakit
Aimed: di tunjukkan
Boosfer: pendorong
Surfase: Permukaan
Trigger: pelatuk
Defences: Pertahanan
Inolves: melibatkan
Olivia Zahra Diva
Activity 7
DNA Vaccines: Vaksin DNA
Incapable: Tidak mampu
mixture: Campuran
Disease: Penyakit
Aimed: di tunjukkan
Boosfer: pendorong
Surfase: Permukaan
Trigger: pelatuk
Defences: Pertahanan
Inolves: melibatkan
Olivia Zahra Diva
Activity 7
DNA Vaccines: Vaksin DNA
Incapable: Tidak mampu
mixture: Campuran
Disease: Penyakit
Aimed: di tunjukkan
Boosfer: pendorong
Surfase: Permukaan
Trigger: pelatuk
Defences: Pertahanan
Inolves: melibatkan
Name : Fatika Maulidayanti
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 1
Absent : 14
Activity 7
1. Required : yang dibutuhkan
2. Disease : Penyakit
3. Trigger : pelatuk
4. Involves : Melibatkan
5. Incapable : Tidak mampu
6. Attaching : melampirkan
7. Mixture : campuran
8. Usually : biasanya
9. Spike protein : protein lonjakan
10. Devolopment : pengembangan
11. Adiuvant : pembantu
12. Surface : Permukaan
13. Modifying : memodifikasi
14. Weaken : melemahkan
15. Disable : melumpuhkan
Name : Nazwa Natasya
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 1
Absent : 23
Activity 7
- Pandemic : pandemi
- Immune : kekebalan
- Chemical : bahan kimia
- Involves : melibatkan
- Fragments : fragmen
- Cells : sel-sel
- Surface : pendorong
- Antibodies : anti bodi
-Weaken : melemahkan
- DNA vaccines : vaksin DNA
Name: Rodiah
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 1
Absent: 28
Activity 7
1.Disease: penyakit
2.Mixture: campuran
3.Surface: permukaan
4.Weaken: melemahkan
5.Incapable: tidak mampu
6.Boosfer: pendorong
7.Adiuvant: pembantu
8.Involves: melibatkan
9.Trigger: pelatuk
10.Approach: pendekatan
Name= Enggin Fileonza
BalasHapusClass= X Mipa 1
Number= 13
-Activity 7
1.Vaccines= Vaksin
2.Developed= Dikembangkan
3. Produce= Menghasilkan
4.Immunity= Kekebalan
5.Stimulating= Merangsang
6.Modifying= Memodifikasi
7.Weaken= Melemahkan
8. Disable= Nonaktifkan
9. Generated = Dihasilkan
10. Disease= Penyakit
Aulya Rachman gunawan
BalasHapusX MIPA 1
Activity 7
1 Surface of the virus : Permukaan virus
2. Involves : melibatkan
3.Weaken : melemahkan
4. Cells : sel
5. Capable : Mampu
6. Active virus : virus aktif
7.Large : besar
8.However : namun
1. Immunity: kekebalan
BalasHapus2. Disease: Penyakit
3. Surface : Permukaan
4. DNA Vaccines: Vaksin DNA
5. Fragment : pecahan
6. Required : yang dibutuhkan
7. Weaken : melemahkan
8. Infected: terjangkit
Name : Mukhtar Muhamad Mauluddien
HapusClass : 10 MIPA 1
Absent : 21
Activity 7
1. Immunity: kekebalan
2. Disease: Penyakit
3. Surface : Permukaan
4. DNA Vaccines: Vaksin DNA
5. Fragment : pecahan
6. Required : yang dibutuhkan
7. Weaken : melemahkan
8. Infected: terjangkit
Name : Tamara salsabila az-zahra
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 1
Absent : 31
Activity 7
1. Involves =Melibatkan
2. Incapable = Tidak mampu
3. Attaching = melampirkan
4. Mixture = campuran
6.Surfase= Permukaan
8.Defences= Pertahanan
14.Gene gun = metode fisik untuk
15. Antibodies= antibody
16. Pandemic = pandemi
17mentransfer DNA ke dalam sel
18. recognised= di akui
19. chemical= bahan kimia
20. amounts= jumlah
21. harmless= tidak berbahaya
22. gene gun= senjata gen
BalasHapusCLASS : X MIPA 1
Immune : imun
Weaken : melemahkan
Involves : melibatkan
Disease : penyakit
Recognized : diakui
Trigger : pemicu
Fragment : pecahan
Cells : sel
Anti bodies : anti bodi
Boosfer : pendorong
Name : Dea oktivia
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 1
Absent : 07
Activity 7
1. Disease : penyakit
2. Trigger : pelatuk
3. Involves : melibatkan
4. Incapable : tidak mampu
5. Attaching : melampirkan
6. Usually : biasanya
7. Surface : permukaan
8. Adiuvant : pembantu
9. Aimed : ditunjukan
10. Fragment : pecahan
11. Recgnised : diakui
12. Cells : sel
13. Disable : melumpuhkan
14. Modifying : memodifikasi
15. weaken : melemahkan
Name : Rahma Wati Dewi
BalasHapusClass : X Mipa 1
Absent : 26
Activity 7
- Infected : terjangkit
- Immunity : kekebalan
- Weaken : melemahkan
- Surface of the virus : permukaan virus
- Active virus : virus aktif
- Inactived : tidak aktif
- Involves : melibatkan
- Infect : menulari
- Cells : sel
- booster : pendorong
Name : Dwi Puspa Angraeni
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 1
Absent : 11
Activity 7
1.Found = ditemukan
2.surface = menyebabkan
3.weakened = melemah
4.defences = pertahanan
5.celss = sel = terekspos
7.amounts = jumlah
8.inserting = memasukkan
9.harmless = tidak berbahaya
10.deliver = kirim
11.attaching = melampirkan
Name: Tri Meta Sarra
BalasHapusClass: X Mipa 1
Absent: 33
1. Antibodien=Antibodi
2. Active virus=Virus aktif
3. Spike protein=Protein lonjakan
4. Adehovirus=Vektor virus tidak menyakitkan
5. Inactives virus=Virus yang tidak aktif
6. Cells=sel
7. Immunity=kekebalan
8. Disease=penyakit
9. Usually=biasanya
10. Vaccines=vaksin.
Name : Arya Manggala
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 1
Absent : 04
Activity 7
-Defences= Pertahanan
-Antibodies= antibody
-chemical= bahan kimia
-gene gun= senjata gen
-Pandemic= pandemi
-Immune= kekebalan
-Vaccines= Vaksin
Nama : Diana indah
BalasHapusKelas : x MIPA 1
Absen : 10
Activity 7
-cells = sel
-weaken = melelahkan
-disease = penyakit
-immunity = kekebalan
-involves = melibatkan
-infect = menulari
-fragment = pecahan
-disable = melumpuhkan
- proteins = protein
-iodine = yodium
Name : Irma Rahmawati
BalasHapusClass : 10 MIPA 1
Absence : 19
••Activity 7••
1. Immune System = Sistem Kekebalan
2. Anti Bodies = Zat yang dibentuk dalam darah untuk memusnahkan bakteri virus atau untuk melawan toksin yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri
3. Vaccine = Bahan antigenik yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan kekebalan terhadap suatu penyakit
4. Pathogen = Mikroorganisme parasit
5. Gene Gun = Suatu metode fisik untuk mentransfer DNA ke dalam sel atau jaringan makhluk hidup.
BalasHapusCLASS: X MIPA 1
Activity 7
• Disable : Nonaktifkan
• Immunity : Kekebalan
• Weaken : Melemahkan
• Fragment : Pecahan
• Attaching : Melampirkan
• Mixture : Campuran
• Quickly : Segera
• Trigger : Pelatuk
• Surface : Permukaan
• Disease : Penyakit
• Modifying : Memodifikasi
• Booster : Pendorong
• Involves : Melibatkan
• Cells : Sel
• Involves : Melibatkan
• Different: Beda
• DNA Vaccine: vaksin DNA
Name : Icha Nursifa
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 1
Absent : 18
Activity 7 :
1. Surface : Permukaan
2. Immunity : Kekebalan
3. Attack : Menyerang
4. Infect : Menulari
5. However : Namun
6. Include : Berisi
7. Rather : Cukup
8. Usually : Biasanya
9. Trigger : Pelatuk
10. Involves : Melibatkan
11. Weaken : Melemahkan
12. Mixture : Campuran
13. Cells : Sel
14. Defences : Pertahanan
15. Quickly : Segera
16. Disease : Penyakit
17. Incapable : Tidak mampu
18. Stimulating : Merangsang
19. Disable : Melumpuhkan
20. Chemical : Bahan Kimia
Name : Nadila Khoirinisa
BalasHapusClass : X mipa 5
Absent : 19
Infected cells : sel yang terinfeksi
Fragment : pecahan
Defences : pertahanan
Spike protein : protein lonjakan
Surface : permukaan
Weakened : melemah
Trigger : pelatuk
Devolopment : pengembangan
Adiuvant : pembantu
Disease : Penyakit
Incapable : Tidak mampu
Stimulating : Merangsang
Disable : Melumpuhkan
Chemical : Bahan Kimia
Name : Fani Agustin
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 5
Absent : 11
Activity 7.
1. Infected cells : sel yang terinfeksi
2. Surface : permukaan
3. Produce cells : menghasilkan sel
4. Exposed : terekspos
5. Trigger : pelatuk
6. Involves : melibatkan
7. Fragments : pecahan
8. However : namun
9. Required : yang dibutuhkan
10. Devolopment : pengembangan
Name: Dama Yanti
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 2
Absent: 08
Activity 7:
Modifying: mengubah
Weaken: melemahkan
Disable: melumpuhkan
Harmless: tidak berbahaya
Hijacking: pembajakan
Approach: mendekati
Fragments: pecahan
Name:Amel Rahmadani
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 4
Absent: 04
Activity 7:
-involves: melibatkan
-weakened: melemah
-stimulating: merangsang
-chemical:bahan kimia
-disable: melumpuhkan
-adiuvant: pembantu
-aimed: ditunjukkan
- cells:sel
Azhar Fauziah
●Activity 7
1.Surface of the virus :Permukaan virus
2.Active virus :Virus aktif
3.DNA vaccines :Vaksin DNA
5.SPike protein :Protein lonjakan
6.Quickly :Lekas
7.Involves :Melibatkan
8.Attaching :Melampirkan
9.Large :Besar
10.Incapable :Tidak mampu
Nama: washifatul sholihati
BalasHapusKelas: Xmipa4
Activity 7
Incapable: tidak mampu
Spike protein: protein lonjakan
DNA vaccines: vaksin DNA
Name: Virnie Naira Alifa
BalasHapusClass: X Mipa 4
No.abs: 32
Activity 7
surface = permukaan
weaken = melemahkan
trigger = memicu
advantage = keuntungan
involve = melibatkan
incapable = tidak mampu
recognised = diakui
aimed = ditujukan
harmless = tidak berbahaya
approach = pendekatan
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 4
No absence : 28
-Fragment : Pecahan/Bagian
-Advantage : Keuntungan
-Chemical agents : Agen Kimia
-Trigger : Pelatuk
-Approaches : Pendekatan
-Disease : Penyakit
-Immune : Kekebalan
-Modifying : Mengubah
-Weaken : Melemahkan
-Required : yang dibutuhkan
-Infect : menjangkiti/Menulari
-Hijacking : Pembajakan/Perampasan/Penggedoran
Nama : Iren Kanatrin M
BalasHapusKelas : X mipa 4
Absen :14
Activity 7
Required : yang dibutuhkan
Mixture : campuran
Incapable : tidak mampu
Attaching : melampirkan
Trigger : pelatuk
Spike protein : protein lonjakan
DNA vaccines : vaksin DNA
Immune : kekebalan
Name:Andini Nur Fadillah
BalasHapusClass:X MIPA 4
Activity 7
-Spike protein : Protein lonjakan
-Trigger : Pelatuk
-Immunity: Kekebalan
-Incapable : Tidak mampu
-Attaching : Melampirkan
-Surface: Permukaan
-Cells: Sel
-Fragment: Pecahan
-Disease: Penyakit
-Booster: Pendorong
-Involves: Melibatkan
-Surface: Permukaan
Name: Dina Avriyani
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 4
Absent: 09
Activity 7
Spike protein : protein lonjakan
Trigger : pelatuk
DNA vaccines : Vaksin DNA
Incapable : tidak mampu
Attaching : melampirkan
Developed : dikembangkan
Required : yang dibutuhkan
Disease : penyakit
Mixture : campuran
Defenses : pertahanan
Name: Balgis nurseha juliana
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 4
Absent: 08
Activity 7
Spike protein : protein lonjakan
Trigger : pelatuk
DNA vaccines : Vaksin DNA
Incapable : tidak mampu
Attaching : melampirkan
Advantage : Keuntungan
Chemical agents : Agen Kimia
Trigger : Pelatuk
Approaches : Pendekatan
Disease : Penyakit
Immune : Kekebalan
Modifying : Mengubah
BalasHapusX MIPA 4
Absen 17
- immunity : Kekebalan
- Disable : Melumpuhkan
- chemical : Bahan Kimia
- Disease : Penyakit
- Stimulating : merangsang
- Weaken : Melemahkan
- Attack : Menyerang
- Defences : Pertahanan
- Infect : Menulari
- Trigger : Pelatuk
- Modyfying : Memodifikasi
- Cells : Sel
- Devolopment : Pengembangan
Nama:Rahman fauji
BalasHapusKelas:X MIPA 4
Activity 7
-Spike protein:protein lonjakan
-incapable:tidak mampu
-DNA vaccines:vaksin DNA
Name : Kayla Alifiyah Meiyanti
BalasHapusClass : 10 MIPA 4
Absence : 16
Activity 7
-chemical=bahan kimia
Name : Siti Gishadona
BalasHapusClass : X Mipa 4
Absent : 25
Activity 7 :
1. Stimulating = Merangsang
2. Weaken = Melemahkan
3. Disable = Nonaktifkan
4. Causing = Menyebabkan
5. Weakened = Melemah
6. Exposed = Terekspos
7. Trigger = Pelatuk
8. Advantage = Keuntungan
9. Recognised = Diakui
10. Attacking = Menyerang
11. Weaker = Lebih Lemah
12. Hijacking = Pembajakan
13. Mimic = Meniru
14. Harmless virus = Virus Yang Tidak Berbahaya
15. Approach = Pendekatan
Name : Adinda N. L
BalasHapusClass : X Mipa 4
No. : 01
Activity 7
1. Chemical : Bahan Kimia
2. Adjuvant : Pembantu
3. Surface : Permukaan
4. Fragment : Pecahan
5. Hijacking : Pembajakan
6. Defences : Pertahanan
7. Required : Yang dibutuhkan
8. Weaken : Melemahkan
9. Disable : nonaktifkan
Nama:tika nur Ratih
BalasHapusAbsen 31
Kelas:X MIPA 5
Astonish = Mencengangkan
Bizarre = Aneh
Clash = Bentrokan
Demolish = Menghancurkan
Exaggerate = Berlebihan
Forbearance = Kesabaran
Gourmand = Rakus
Hapless = Malang
Incumbent = Yang sedang berwenang
Jaded = Letih
Knell = Tanda buruk
Laconic = Ringkas
Munificent = Murah hati
Negligent = Lalai
Obstreperous = Bising
Passionate = Penuh semangat
Queue = Antre
Recalcitrant = Suka melawan
Savory = Sedap
Tome = Buku yang tebal
Muhammad Rejaus Syifa
BalasHapusX Mipa 4
Activity 7
Nama: Thania olivia
BalasHapusKelas : XMIPA 4
Activity 7
-cheap= murah
-develop= mengembangkan
-immunity=kekebalan imun
-involves= melibatkan
BalasHapusClasss: X Mipa 4
Activity 7
1. Surface of the virus : Permukaan virus
2. Weaken : Melemahkan
3. Prime : Perdana
4. Quickly : Lekas
5. Active virus : Virus aktif
6. Involves : Melibatkan
7. Capable : Mampu
8. Cells : Sel
9. However : Namun
10. Large : Besar
11. DNA vaccines:Vaksin DNA
13.Spike protein:Protein lonjakan
14.Incapable:Tidak mampu
15 Trigger:Pelatuk
Name: Ezra Rafael Arfarez
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 2
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
> About four types of Covid 19 vacciness and how they work
Nama : Fatma Aulia Zahra
BalasHapusKelas : 10 MIPA 2
Absen : 13
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
= About the four types of covid-19
and how vaccines work.
Nama: Lia juvita
BalasHapusKelas : X MIPA 2
Absen : 16
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
> About four types of Covid 19 vacciness and how they work
Name : Djenar Maesa Ayu
BalasHapusKelas : 10 Mipa 2
Absent. 11
Activity 8
Answer number 6
is their safety in that the components only contain recombinant proteins or synthetic peptides, without the involvement of infectious viruses. Subunit vaccines usually do not induce side effects at the injection sites.
BalasHapus10 MIPA 4
1. Surface of the virus : Permukaan virus
2. Weaken : Melemahkan
3. Prime : Perdana
4. Quickly : Lekas
5. Active virus : Virus aktif
6. Involves : Melibatkan
7. Capable : Mampu
8. Cells : Sel
9. However : Namun
10. Large : Besar
Name: Chelsea Anastasya Aura Yenarista
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 2
Absent: 07
• Activity 8 :
Number 7
7.) Adjuvant therapy is designed to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence after surgery and kill cancer cells that are present in the operation. Chemotherapy may be given before surgery to shrink the tumor and to make surgery more successful.
Name:Muhammad Reynaldi
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 2
Absent: 19
Activity 8
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
> About four types of Covid 19 vacciness and how they work
Nama : Aini Indah Suci
BalasHapusKelas : 10 MIPA 2
Absen : 02
- Activity 8
10. For what are hundreds of Covid-19 vaccines developed?
Answer : In order to stop the global spread of that coronavirus, and end the pandemic.
Name: Nabila Arni
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 3
Absent: 21
Activity 8:
1. What does the video talk about?
Answer: From the video, it talks about the COVID-19 virus and how they work
Nama: Yesika
BalasHapusKls: X MIPA 3
Absen: 35
Activity 8
1.About four types of Covid 19 vacciness and how they work and how to treat them.
Name : Ahmad Nizar
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 3
Absent : 02
Activity 8 :
7. For what are adjuvants designed?
• Adjuvants are designed to enhance the immune response induced by vaccines and provide longer lasting protection against infection.
Name: Delfia Deva Pertiwi
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 2
Absent: 09
Activity 8
Number 10
10)in order to encourage the formation of specific immunity in COVID-19 to avoid contracting or possibly becoming seriously ill. as well as for epidemic prevention and control as it can effectively stop the spread of the virus.
Name:Neta Adelia Ramadhani
BalasHapusClass:X Mipa 2
Activity 8
•Number 1
About four types of Covid 19 vacciness and how they work
BalasHapusClass : X.MIPA.3
Absent : 29
•Activity 8
Number 2
2. In general, vaccines work by stimulating the formation of specific immunity against bacteria / viruses that cause certain diseases. So that if exposed, a person will be able to avoid infection or become seriously ill due to the disease
Name: Dwi Indah Meylani Gunawan
BalasHapusClass: X Mipa 3
Absent: 09
Activity 8
Number 1
So what is talked about in the video is about covid 19, detecting it, and how to do it.
Name: Arin Shofiya Khilqy
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 2
Absent: 04
-Activity 8
Number 2
2. By stimulating an immune response to on antigen, usually the characteristic spike protein found on the surface of the virus.
Name: Fatma Muthia Thazqia
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 3
No absen : 12
Activity 8
2. How do Covid-19 vaccines produce immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus?
> By stimulating an immune response to an antigen, usually the characteristic spike protein found on the surface of the virus.
Nama: Rizki Akbar Prayoga
BalasHapusKelas: 10 Mipa 2
Absen : 27
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
> About four types of Covid 19 vacciness and how they work
Name: Okta Viani Kristin
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 3
Absent: 25
Activity 8:
6. What is the advantage of protein subunit vaccine?
Answer: Compared with other types of vaccines, the important advantage of subunit vaccines is their safety in that the components only contain recombinant proteins or synthetic peptides, without the involvement of infectious viruses. Subunit vaccines usually do not induce side effects at the injection sites.
Sorry okta, I just added your answer, because in my opinion the advantage is more than 1.
● Unable to return to virulence which means they cannot cause the disease they wish to protect
● Safe for immunocompromised patients
● Can withstand changing conditions (eg temperature, exposure to light, humidity)
BalasHapuskelas : 10 mipa 3
Absen: 14
Activity: 8
1) .discussing the corona virus vaccine and discussing the development of the vaccine
Name:Ina Agniya Nadiroh
BalasHapusClass:X Mipa 3
Activity 8
Number 2
2.How do Covid-19 vaccines produce immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus?
By stimulating an immune response to an antigen,usually the characteristic spike protein found on the surface of the virus
name:palagan abiyyu gumelar
BalasHapusclass: x mipa 3
avtivity 8:
1.What does the video talk about?
answer:about the working virus and how to deal with these cirus with vaccines, one of them.
Name: Nova Meliani
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 3
Activity 8
1.what does the video talk about?
about immunity to the SARS-Cov-2 virus and vaccines
Name : Dinda Bunga Avrilliatama
BalasHapusClass : 10 Mipa 3
Absent : 08
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
>about types of covid-19 vaccine
Name: Fitria Listiani
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 3
Absent: 13
Activity 8
Number 8
8). By inserting the genetic code for the antigen into a harmless virus, which effectively acts like a delivery system to get the code into the cells, without cousing disease.
Name: Nova Meliani
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 3
Activity 7
1. Weaken:melemahkan
2. Quickly:segera
3. Negligent:lalai
4. Defences: pertahankan
5. Harmless virus:virus yang
tidak berbahaya
6. Attacking: menyerang
7. Incapble: kekebalan
8. Immun: kekebalan
9. Mixture: campuran
10. Capable: mampu
Name : fahturomi Anjar
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 3
No absen : 11
1.What does the video talk about?
answer:about the working virus and how to deal with these cirus with vaccines, one of them.
name: Dwi Yanti
BalasHapusclass: X MIPA 3
absent: 10
Activity 8
Number 10
10. to encourage the formation of special immunity to COVID-19 to avoid contracting or possibly becoming seriously ill. and prevent viruses.
Nama: Pitriyah Ayu Ningsih
BalasHapusKelas : 10 MIPA 2
Absen: 24
Activity 8
5. What happens next to a person who has gotten traditional vaccine?
Vaccination triggers immunity by causing the recipient's immune system to react to the antigen contained in the vaccine.
Name:Sindy Aulia
BalasHapusAbsent: 30
Class: x mipa3
activity 8
number 1
what does the Vidio talk about?
about the four types of covid 19 vaccines and how they work
Name: Seli Karismatika
BalasHapusClass: X mipa 3
Activities: 8
1. What does the video talk about?
> About four types of Covid-19 vaccines and how they work.
Nama : intan rosiyana
BalasHapusKelas : X mipa 3
Absen : 16
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
: About the four types of covid-19 and how vaccines work.
Name: Siti Melis Samrotul Fuadah
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 3
Absent: 31
Activity 8
Answer No.6
There subunit vaccines have the advantage of being relatively easy and cheap to produce and are incapable of causing disease, because these fragments are not able to infect host cells.
Name: Luthfiyyah Rahmah
BalasHapusClass: X Mipa 3
Absent: 20
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
About four types of Covid-19 vaccines and how they work
Name: Nabila Itsna Nurkholifah
BalasHapusClass: X Mipa 2
Absent: 20
4. For what do traditional vaccines modify virus?
to weaken or disable it so that when introduced to the body an immune response can be generatedc to the antigen without the virus causing disease.
Name:Agies Melinda
BalasHapusClass:X mipa 3
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
> About four types of Covid-19 vaccines and how they work.
Name: Salwa Nayla Putri Alamsyah
BalasHapusAbsen: 28
Class: X MIPA 2
Activity 8 (Number 6)
6. What is the advantage of protein subunit vaccines?
-> The advantage of being relatively easy and cheap to produce and are incapable of causing disease.
Name : Clarissa Amorita Perdana
BalasHapusClass : X Mipa 3
Absent: 06
Activity 8
1). What does the video talk about?
answer: About four types of covid-19 vaccines and how they work.
Name: Dama Yanti
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 2
No. Absent: 08
Activity 8:
8. How does viral vector vaccine work?
viral vector vaccines achieve this by inserting the genetic code for the antigen into a harmless virus, which effectively acts like a delivery system to get the code into the cells, without causing disease
vector based vaccines can be comlex to develop but they can trigger strong immune responses without the need for adjuvants
and in theory, one type of vector can be used to deliver code for a range of different antigens, which can speed up vaccine development
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusName: Rachma Fatihat Thoriq
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 2
Number: 26
• Activity 8:
Number 7
7.) Adjuvant therapy is designed to reduce the risk of recurrence of a cancer after surgery and kill cancer cells in surgery.
Chemotherapy is the use of chemicals to reduce disease treatment.
Chemotherapy can also be given before surgery to shrink the tumor and to make surgery more successful.
Name: Aida Rufaidah
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 3
Absent: 03
Activity 8.
Answer to question number 6:
Compared to other vaccines, the safety of the vaccine subunit is superior because the components contain only recombinant protein or synthetic peptides, without involving infectious viruses. Subunit vaccines do not usually cause side effects after injected. Subunit vaccine is much safer.
Banika Van Santari
BalasHapus10 MIPA 2
Activity 8
Answer No.6:
There subunit vaccines have the advantage of being relatively easy and cheap to produce and are incapable of causing disease, because these fragments are not able to infect host cells.
Name : Hilda Nadira
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 2
Absence : 14
Activity 8
Number 1
'How does the video talk about?'
Answer : The video is talk about 4 type of COVID-19 vaccines and how they work in our body
Nama: Sugiri
BalasHapusKelas: X MIPA 3
Absen: 32
Activity 8
1. About four types of covid 19 vacciness and how they work and how to treat them
BalasHapusKelas : X MIPA 3
Absen: 18
Activity 8
1.about four types of covid-19 vaccines and how they work
Nama : arie dwi yanuar
BalasHapusKelas : 10 mipa 2
Absen : 03
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
> About four types of Covid 19 vacciness and how they work
BalasHapusABSENT: 01
Antibodies: termasuk sebagai bagian dari sistem imunitas atau kekebalan tubuh.
Virus:agen infeksi berukuran kecil yang bereproduksi di dalam sel inang yang hidup dan cenderung bersifat parasit
Genetic code:seperangkat aturan yang digunakan oleh sel hidup untuk menerjemahkan informasi yang dikodekan di dalam materi genetik menjadi protein.
Vaccines:bahan antigenik yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan kekebalan terhadap suatu penyakit.
Cells:merupakan unit struktural terkecil dari organisme hidup. Sel dikelilingi oleh selaput/membran sel yang di dalamnya terdapat cairan (protoplasma) atau matriks, dan bentuk-bentuk subselular, organel sel, yang juga dikelilingi membran.
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 5
Absent: 24
Activity 8 :
1. About four types of COVID-19 vaccines and how they work and how to treat them.
Vina Agustiana
BalasHapusX Mipa 5
Activity 8
4. For what do traditional vaccines modify virus?
The Answer
Some traditional vaccines achieve this by modifying the virus to weaken or disable it so that when introduced to the body an immune response can be generated to antigen without the virus causing disease.
Name: Siti Liana Yahsa Hidayat
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 5
Absent: 27
Activity 8
1. About four types for Covid-19 vacciness and how they work and how to treat them.
BalasHapusNama: Wida Vonny Tiana
Kelas: X Mipa 5
Absen: 35
Activity 8
1). What does the video talk about?
1).About four types of Covid-19 vaccines and how they work.
Name:Anggi oktami saputri
BalasHapusClass:X MIPA 5
Activity 8
Answer no 1.About four types for covid-19 vacciness and how they work and how to treat them
Name : Jihan Putri Seridiyana
BalasHapusClass : X Mipa 5
Absent : 16
Activity 8
10. In order to encourage the formation of specific immunity in COVID-19 to avoid contracting or possibly becoming seriously ill. as well as for epidemic prevention and control as it can effectively stop the spread of the virus.
Name : Djea ananda hashabilla
BalasHapusClass: X Mipa 5
Absent: 10
Activity 8
1)What does the video talk about?
1) About four types of Covid-19 vaccines and how they work.
4) For what do traditional vaccines modify virus?
4) Some traditional vaccines achieve this by modifying the virus to weaken or disable it so that when introduced to the body an immune response can be generated to antigen without the virus causing disease.
Name:Suci Anita
BalasHapusClass:X MIPA 5
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
Answer: the four types of the covid-19 virus and how they work
Name : Syifa Riyadul Jannah
BalasHapusClass : X Mipa 5
absen : 30
activity 8
answer no 6.
6)Recombinant subunit vaccine is a vaccine that at the production stage uses a part of the microbe (not a whole microbe) which is produced using recombinant DNA technology. The gene encoding the antigen from the disease-causing microbe is isolated and inserted in the vector plasmid which is then expressed using other cells as the host. Subunit vaccines using recombinant proteins SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV have shown effective results in several studies.
For example, the subunit vaccine is VLP (Virus Like Particle) which is composed of capsin and viral surface proteins but does not have genetic material so that it cannot cause disease.
Name:Dicky pujiana
BalasHapusClass:x mipa 5
Answer no 6
•Tidak dapat kembali ke virulensi yang berarti mereka tidak dapat menyebabkan penyakit yang ingin mereka lindungi
•Aman untuk pasien immunocompromised
•Dapat menahan perubahan kondisi (misalnya suhu, paparan cahaya, kelembaban)
Name: Olivia Zahra
BalasHapusX mipa 5
No 22
Activity 8
About four types of Covid 19 vacciness and how they work
Name: Olivia Zahra
BalasHapusX mipa 5
No 22
Activity 8
About four types of Covid 19 vacciness and how they work
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 5
No: 25
Answer number 1:
About four types of Covid-19 vaccines and how they work
Name : Sekar Ayu Mukti W.
BalasHapusClass. : X MIPA 4
Absent : 23
Activity 7
Instead = Sebagai gantinya
Trigger = Pelatuk
Cells = Sel
Involves = Meliputi
Spike protein = Lonjakan
Relatively = Relatif
Cheap = Murah
Incapable = Tidak mampu
Cousing disease = Penyakit
Name : Zakiyah Ummu kulsum Fatimah
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 4
Absent : 35
Activity 7
1. The surface of the virus= permukaan virus
2. Weaken= melemahkan
3. Modifying= memodifikasi
4. Disable= nonaktifkan
5. Causing disease= penyebab penyakit
6. Deferences = pertahanan
7. T Cells = sel T
8. SSpecialised memory = memori khusu
9. Trigger imunity= memicu kekebalan
10. Involves= melibatkan
11. Fragmen = pecahan
12. Infect host Cells = menginfeksi sel inang
13. Hijacking = pembajakan
14. Apporoach = pendekatan
Activity 8
I Will answer question number 1
1. What does the video talk about?
Type of covid-19 vaccine and how they work in our body
Name :sri intan
BalasHapusClass : mipa5
Absent :28
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
> About four types of Covid 19 vacciness and how they work
Name :sri intan
BalasHapusClass : mipa5
Absent :28
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
> About four types of Covid 19 vacciness and how they work
Name: Alya Salsabila
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 5
Absent: 03
Activity 8
4. For what do traditional vaccines modify virus?
Some traditional vaccines achieve this by modifying the virus to weaken or disable it so that when introduced to the body an immune response can be generated to antigen without the virus causing disease.
Name : Fatika Maulidayanti
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 1
Absent : 14
Activity 8
7. For what are adjuvants designed?
Answer :
Adjuvant therapy is designed to reduce the risk of cancer after surgery and kill cancer cells present in surgery.
Name: Enggin Fileonza
BalasHapusClass: X Mipa 1
Absent: 13
-Activity 8
I will answer the numbers:
-1. In the video, there are 4 types of Covid-19 Vaccines and how they work.
Name :muhamad Dimas ripanggi
BalasHapusClass : mipa1
Absent :20
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
> About four types of Covid 19 vacciness and how they work
Name : Dea oktivia
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 1
Absent : 07
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
answer :
About four types for Covid-19 vacciness and how they work and how to treat them.
Name :muhamad Dimas ripanggi
BalasHapusClass : mipa1
Absent :20
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
> About four types of Covid 19 vacciness and how they work
Name : Tamara salsabila az-zahra
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 1
Absen : 31
Activity 8
6. What is the advantage of protein subunit vaccine?
Answer :
Does not contain intact microbes, but only a few selected parts to stimulate the immune system
Name : Aulya Rachman gunawan
BalasHapusCLASS X MIPA 1
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
about types of covid-19 vaccine
Nama: Tri Meta Sarra
BalasHapusClass: X Mipa 1
Absen: 33
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
The video talks about the covid-19 vaccines.
Name : Ziska Aulia Hermawan
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 1
absen : 35
Activity 8
answer number 1
1. What does the video talk about?
About four types of Covid 19 vacciness and how they work
Name : Rodiah
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 1
Absent : 28
Activity 8
8. How does viral vector vacctine work ?
Answer : Viral vector vaccines work differently. They use harmless viruses to transmit pieces of the genetic code from pathogens to body cells to mimic infecion.
Name : Mukhtar Muhamad Mauluddien
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 1
Absent : 21
Activity 8
3.How many types of vaccines are described in the video? Mention whatever they are!
> There are 6
> They are
1. Vaksin Merah Putih.
2. AstraZeneca
3. China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation (Sinopharm).
4. Moderna
5. Pfizer Inc and BioNTech
6. Sinovac Biotech Ltd
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusNama : Diana indah
BalasHapusKelas : x MIPA 1
Absen : 10
Activity 8
Answer number 7
Adjuvants are designed to enhance the immune response induced by vaccines and provide longer lasting protection against infection
Name=Aliv Vianto
BalasHapusClass=X MIPA 1
Activity 8 does viral vector vaccine work
vaccines work by stimulating the formation of specific immunity against bacteria / viruses that cause certain diseases. So that if exposed, a person will be able to avoid infection or become seriously ill due to the disease.
Name : Nazwa Natasya
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 1
Absent : 23
Activity 8.
Number 1
1. What does the video talk about?
answer : the video about four types of Covid-19 vacciness and how they work and how to treat them.
Name : Irma Rahmawati
BalasHapusClass : x mipa 1
Absence : 19
• Activity 8
• Answer number 2
2. Vaccines are antigens or objects that are inserted into the body to produce the body's reaction to certain diseases. When given to someone, the vaccine will cause a specific and active immune system reaction against certain diseases, for example the COVID-19 vaccine to prevent infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Usually, this vaccine is inserted into the human body by injection.
Name: Icha Nursifa
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 1
Absent: 18
Activity 8:
4. For what do traditional vaccines modify the virus?
Traditional vaccines modifying the virus to weaken or disable it so that when introduced to the body an immune response can be generated to the antigen without the virus causing disease.
Name: Rahma Wati Dewi
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 1
Absent: 26
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
The video talks about the types of covid 19 vaccines and how they work
Name : Dwi Puspa Angraeni
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 1
Absent : 11
Activity 8
10).For what are hundreds of Covid-19 vaccines developed?
Answer : with hundreds of covid-19 vaccines now in development , in order to stop the global spread of this coronavirus , and end the pandemic.
Name : Arya Manggala
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 1
Absent : 04
Activity 8
1).What does the video talk about?
Answer: the four types of COVID-19 vaccines and how they work
Name: flora sita
BalasHapusClass;X MIPA 1
Activity 8
1. What does the video talk about?
> About four types of Covid 19 vacciness and how they work
Name : Fani Agustin
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 5
Absent : 11
Activity 8.
1. What does the video talk about?
Answer : About for types of Covid 19 vacciness and how they work.
Name: Gitta Amelia Furihiningsih
BalasHapusClass: X MIPA 4
Absent: 12
Activity 7
Spike protein : protein lonjakan
Trigger : pelatuk
DNA vaccines : Vaksin DNA
Incapable : tidak mampu
Attaching : melampirkan
Developed : dikembangkan
Required : yang dibutuhkan
Disease : penyakit
Mixture : campuran
Defenses : pertahanan
BalasHapusCLASS : 10 MIPA 4
Activity 7
1. Spike = lonjakan
2. Surface = permukaan
3. whole = utuh
4. modifyng = memodifikasi
5. weaken = melemah
6. involves = melibatkan
7. advantage = keuntungan
8. recognised = diakui
9. chemical = bahan kimia
10. adjuvants = pembantu
11. themselves = diri mereka sendiri
12. harmles = harmonika
13. disease = penyakit
14. inserting = memasukkan
15. directly = langsung
Activity 8
I want to answer number 10
10. For what are hundreds of Covid-19 vaccines developed?
In order to stop global spread of this coronavirus and end the pandemic
Name :Tiarani
BalasHapusClass :X Mipa 4
Activity 7:
Incapable=tidak mampu
Name : Suci Rima Wati
BalasHapusClass : 10 MIPA 4
Absent : 27
Answer activity 7 :
1. Disable : Nonaktifkan
2. Instead : Sebagai gantinya
3. Advantage : Keuntungan
4. Incapable : Tidak mampu
5. Recognised : Diakui
6. Required : Wajib
7. Hijacking : Pembajakan
8. Inserting : Memasukkan
9. Harmless : Tidak berbahaya
10. Approach : Pendekatan
Name: Naiyla Dewi Agustin
BalasHapusClass: X Mipa 4
Absent: 20
Activity 7
1. Develop : mengembangkan
2. Stimulating : merangsang
4. Involves : melibatkan
5. Surface of the virus : permukaan virus
6. Advantage : keuntungan
7. harmless : tidak berbahaya
8. 8.Spe : kecepatan
9. Weaken : melemahkan
10. approach : pendekatan
Name : Nabilah Nurul Hikmah
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 4
Absent : 14
Activity 8
7. For what are adjuvants designed?
Answer :
Adjuvant therapy is designed to reduce the risk of cancer after surgery and kill cancer cells present in surgery.
Name : Akhmad Alif
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 4
No Abs : 03
Actifitys 7
1. Immune : Kekebalan
2. Antigen : Antigen
3. Antibodies : Antibodi
4. Cell : sel
5. Pathogenic : Pantogen
6. Subunit : Sub Unit
7. Fragments : Fragmen
8. Spike : Lonjakan
9. Chemical : Bahan Kimia
10. Adjuvants : Ajudan