The Uniqueness of Cirebon Custom and Culture

Undoubtedly Indonesia, which consists of various ethnic groups, languages, beliefs and religions, has many unique customs and cultures. This uniqueness is represented by the practices prevailing in the Indonesian people of the archipelago which are still preserved until now, even in the midst of global culture. This uniqueness is, no exception, owned by the city which is economically known as the City of Shrimp and historically-religiously known as the City of Guardians. None other than the city on the north coast of the eastern tip of West Java, namely the city of Cirebon, both municipalities and regencies.

The uniqueness of Cirebon culture can be seen in several ways. Among them are historical sites, ceremonies, practices and art products as well as various culinary delights that are scattered in every part of the city of Cirebon.

Cirebon has several historical sites that still require in-depth study by scientists and humanists. Starting from the existence of the Kasepuhan and Kanoman palaces, Sunan Gunung Jati Tombs, to Sunyaragi Cave and other sites that may not have been widely revealed.

In Cirebon there are several ceremonies that have been passed down from generation to generation. There are ceremonies that are held annually by certain institutions. Among them, the Muludan Ceremony and its derivatives organized by the palace. The Haulan ceremony is preserved by a number of Islamic boarding schools from the west to the east, such as the Ciwaringin, Kempek, Buntet and Gedongan Islamic Boarding Schools. The sugar cane grinding party known as Bancakan is also still being held by a number of sugar factories, such as the Tersana Baru Sugar Factory in the eastern region of Cirebon. The Student Release Ceremony is held every year at the end of the school year in junior and senior high schools. A number of ceremonies are also held by the community in general as well as by members of the community individually. Communities along the north coast of Cirebon regularly hold Nadran ceremonies. There are still many families who still maintain their customs related to the birth of their son / daughter, such as N7 Bulan, Lolosan and Puputan. In the southern part of Cirebon, which borders Kuningan Regency, there is still a Sundanese Traditional Ceremony which also colors the festivity of a wedding celebration or reception.

In the arts, Cirebon has performing arts activities that are deeply rooted in society, such as Mask Dance, Guitar and Flute (Tarling), Sintren and Burok. Batik and rattan furniture are also fruit art products from the handicrafts of some people of western Cirebon. 

Not to forget, Cirebon also produces famous culinary products such as Empal Gentong, Nasi Jamblang, Nasi Lengko and Tahu Gejrot.

Readers of Cirebon native descent are certainly familiar with other Cirebon cultural products that have not been mentioned here. Meanwhile, those from outside the Cirebon region would want to know also the uniqueness of Cirebon culture as part of the archipelago that we need to preserve, develop and introduce to the world.

Unfortunately, this year some unique cultural events could not be held due to Covid-19 Pandemic. We are really sorry to know that. We hope the pandemic will soon come to end, so next year, 2021, we will hold and enjoy again all of the uniqueness.


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